Home Cats Bathing Your Kitten

Bathing Your Kitten


Your kitty could be a little bit too tiny to bathe right now, but it’s never too late. As we all should know, a typical kitten bath is important. Bathing will help your kitten get used to it, despite the fact they may despise it as an adult.

Preparation for a Kitten Bath

The ideal way to start is with patience and preparation. Also, right after your kitten moves into your home, it’s best to bathe them at that time. You will not be using the bath, but you can help them adjust and get used to the procedure. That way, they won’t be shocked once the real bathing starts.

Prepare a bowl that is large enough to bathe a half-grown cat in. The first number of times, do not insert water. Place that bowl on the floor of the bathroom. Gather things for that bath. Bring shampoo(don’t get any into their eyes!), a towel, a comb, plus a warm(not too hot)wet face cloth to hand.

Put your kitten into the bowl so they are standing. Reassure or comfort them during the process. Stroke them from the head down, then along their body and up to the tip of their tail. When they are used to it, take the face cloth in the same hand and do the same thing. With the damp face cloth of course. After a few weeks have passed, have a little bit of lukewarm water– just covering the base of the bowl– for them to stand in, and also hold them while they once again get used to the feeling. After a couple of even more weeks, increase the water amount so that it simply covers the top of their paws.

Kitten in the Bathroom by kurgu128

It may seem like a lot of work to do, but most felines have a fear of water. Spending this growing/learning experience with them will make sure that when it comes to the actual bathing, your cat will have a positive time to reflect upon. It won’t be a dramatic mess for either of you.

Do you own a puppy? You may also be interested in bath care for them.


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