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Exotic Animals you can have as pets

When it comes to pets, we normally think of dogs, cats, hamsters, fishes, and birds. When adopting a pet, wouldn’t it be fun to spice things up? To do that, adopting exotic animals would do the trick. It would make your household experience more interesting. So, here is a list of several exotic animals you can have as pets.


Clown Anemonefish
By cbpix

Well, maybe it is not as exotic as others. Because in many homes, there are already fish tanks with this type of aquatic specimen. These exotic animals or fish do not require as much care as other pets.

They are very beautiful and showy fish, capable of sharing a tank with other species. But it must be taken into account that 90% of clownfish come from the capture in natural areas and it is a protected species. They run a certain risk of becoming extinct in certain local populations.


Macroshot of small ant sitting on green leaf
By patila

There is a certain fascination for a sector of the population for ants. These small, harmless insects that do not require much effort to maintain them.

You just need an ant farm, a field with corridors and caves where these little critters run and work, assembling their hierarchical structure. Also, as an exotic bug, you will not have to suffer as much as some spiders that can be even dangerous.

Tuco-tuco or Tucotuco

Tiny Tuco Tuco
By Eduardomorisso

This friendly rodent is liked by many people, especially the smallest of the house. With its round body, like a ball of hair, it can look quite like a guinea pig. These exotic animals can live peacefully in a terrarium or a cage.


Green Iguana
By Denis Zaporozhtsev

Although aggressive in appearance, like a small dragon, the iguana is one of the most demanded exotic animals in recent years. They are reptiles, omnivores, totally docile, and perfectly integrated into a home, without coexistence problems. Of course, do not wait for the iguana to come to scratch its crown because they are very independent critters. They will come to you because they like the heat you give off or if you are going to feed them.

Sugar Gliders or a Sugar Squirrels

Sugar glider in the outdoors
By Sevendeman

It is not an animal suitable to be closed between four walls, but if you have a garden it could adapt to this new home. It is a small marsupial that looks a lot like a hamster, but more independent. These exotic pets are also known as a glider. These species need to be with animals just like it. NEVER cage them by themselves. Loneliness depresses them and they can even injure themselves. It must be said that their diet is a bit complicated to supply: larvae and insects


A close-up of a Kinkajou
By Ichtusvet

One of the most common pets in Brazil is this species of a raccoon but with a particularly long tail.

They are very attached to the owners. These exotic animals love to be caressed and hugged. How wholesome!

They do not create any problems when it comes to being domesticated. But these animals are from warm climates. Therefore it is better that they stay in their natural habitat in South and Central America. Ah! Of course, do not think about leaving them alone at home. Lock them in their cage.


Cute african hedgehog on baby palms
By ArtEvent ETq

Although it seems a joke, these small mammals, which eat insects, are one of these exotic species that one will be surprised to see in a home. Even so, it is a very docile and kind species. They have an incredible ability to adapt to the conditions of their new home.

For the little hedgehog, it will be necessary to make a house to suit them. And, also, they better not leave there because they’re rather clumsy animals. These creatures can hurt themselves with the cables.


A Capybara eats some grass in a Brazilian park
By Fabiano

They’re the largest and heaviest living rodent in the world. These exotic animals can weigh up to 65 kg in adulthood. It should be noted that it is a very friendly species and that it gets along well with other animals such as dogs or cats. It is not an aggressive species and can be very comfortable as a pet.

They cannot be very far from the water as they are constantly bathing. That is why it is recommended to have a pool or a suitable pond for the capybara. They have a tropical climate, so in winter it will be necessary to think about heating the pool.


Cute skunk looking out
By Yasmin

We already know how famous this animal is. Nothing could be further from the truth. This species of skunk will not use its stink weapon if it is calm and well tamed. In the US they are a highly demanded species, especially in forested and mountain sectors so that the animal has its space to roam. They are a loving and faithful spice like a dog. The main thing is to regularly comb the animal and cut its nails on time.

Vietnamese pigs

vietnamese pig in a studio
By cynoclub

Including this species in the list of pets can be dangerous. Undoubtedly these friendly animals are highly coveted by a sector of the population. More and more, we can see these pigs walking through the streets of our cities. But it must be reported that many of these animals end up abandoned by their owners as they grow a lot and can weigh from 50 to 100 kilos. Just because George Clooney had one doesn’t mean we can all have it. Its maintenance is not exactly cheap.

But wait! There are more exotic animals that CAN be pets!

Honorable mentions are sloths, axolotls, snakes, chinchillas, and tarantula spiders. Other exotic animals can be located in your local exotic pet store! So don’t hesitate when going to one if you’re curious about seeing them face-to-face!

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