Home Rodents Guinea Pigs Guinea Pigs Keep Seniors Busy in Corona Times

Guinea Pigs Keep Seniors Busy in Corona Times


My mother-in-law lives with us. Not in the same house, but on the same property. She moved from the north to cozy Upper Franconia two years ago and has blossomed here again. Because she’s finally not alone after my father-in-law’s death. Because it can be useful here with us and relieves us enormously in everyday life. In return, she knows that someone is always there for her. She is 85 years old. We see each other every day. Lately rather distance, and for a week only from window to window, because our daughter has a little cold. Grandma is not worried because she says “I’ve survived worse”. Nevertheless, I want to act responsibly. Many of our seniors are like our grandma. You are much alone in the times of Corona. But how not lonely seniors are in this difficult time? This is where the Guinea Pigs will come in…

Seniors need a meaningful job.

Just when we decided to isolate ourselves from Grandma for quite a while, a call came from the neighbors. They asked if we could feed their guinea pigs as they would like to retire to their weekend home away from Corona and all the news about it. We felt that this was a happy coincidence because it is a task that our grandmother can take on very well. When we suggested this to our neighbors, they were thrilled and called my mother-in-law directly. How happy she was! From now on she runs over to the neighbor’s garden every day. The five-member Meeriefamilie is on the covered terrace in an isolated barn with self outdoor enclosure houses. Several times a day, she ensures that the Meeries have fresh hay. The first dandelion leaves are also picked, as well as fresh grass and vegetable scraps from the kitchen. The little ones get a fruit snack from her once a day. And on our evening phone call, she tells me that she’ll take the bus tomorrow to get some snacks for the rascals.

“Hopefully they’re not too fat”, it shoots through my mind, but I am happy that she has such a beautiful task to the animals of the neighbors care. This makes this strange time easier for me, and I am now beginning to think of how we can apologize to the neighbors that the pigs have to be put on a diet.

Guinea pigs employ seniors

Today I saw Grandma running over again and from the open window, I could hear her talking to her new friends. She can’t remember her names, they’re English, so she made up her own. Erna and Hilde…. I didn’t understand the rest. I think Paul was there too. She has pulled a garden chair to the enclosure and tells the little animal stories that this is a difficult time, but it will also pass. And as she sweeps up a few rubbish, she talks about moving here, how much she likes it here, but also that she was initially afraid of leaving her house and friends behind. But now she was happy to be with her family. She tells them:

“Your family will be back soon, so you don’t have to worry. Until then, I’ll take good care of you.”

Animals are good for the soul

I have a guilty conscience because I’m standing at the window and listening – but I can’t help it. I am once again fascinated by how well animals do our souls. And I am grateful because I am now realizing that grandma is in good company with the guinea pigs. It will go twice and three times as often as would be necessary, but who cares. The squeak sounds like the pigs are happy every time.

Our grandma has experienced a lot. She has been through tough times and worked hard all her life. She is very flexible for her 85 years and copes surprisingly well with our daily chaos. It will only be difficult if she is deprived of the tasks that have long become routine for her. Then she quickly feels useless and loses her energy . Especially now that their senior meetings have been canceled and their weekly coffee with a new acquaintance is not taking place.

Pets and seniors form a valuable community

I genuinely believe that senior citizens in particular must feel that they are needed. And now that we have to isolate ourselves from her, the guinea pigs need her. They put a smile on her face and keep her pretty busy on the side. I realize why there are retirement homes that keep budgerigars, for example. The very advanced ones even allow the keeping of an animal or visits to pets, because it is now known that animals are particularly good for lonely and demented seniors and significantly reduce the risk of depression. I think there is a real friendship between our grandma and the guinea pigs. I hope she can still visit her when our neighbors are back

Corona gives me ideas

Once again the corona crisis triggers a positive chain of thoughts in me. I’m already imagining how I can harness grandma even better in the future when it comes to looking after our dogs. A friend of mine thinks it’s so great that she immediately asked our grandma to take care of her rabbits. Provided the vacation can take place. Who knows, maybe the word will go on.

I think it’s a good idea to involve the oldest members of our society in the care and maintenance of our pets. Maybe there is someone with you who you can entrust your animal to, or maybe someone lives in your neighborhood who is alone and would be happy to feed your animals or just spend a few minutes with them. Create closeness in a contactless time!


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