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Pet Chameleon: Home/Habitat of a Chameleon

Dimensions of the Pet Chameleon Habitat

The ideal space for your pet chameleon is a terrarium with measures of at least 50x50x90 cm, always taller than wide, as they are climbing animals and will rarely go down to the ground. It should not have glass walls because pet chameleons need a lot of ventilation. Although the front wall can be glass for aesthetic reasons, while the remaining three are made of wire or fine mesh covered with vinyl to avoid rough edges that can damage them. You should install the terrarium in a quiet and ventilated place. Perhaps near a window, but that does not receive cold temperatures.

Drops of water for your pet

Pet chameleons in natural environments drink drops of dew or rain. So, a drinking fountain or water fountain will not be necessary or recommended. They will not use them. You should install a plastic bottle over the terrarium that provides a slow and regular drip on leaves or plants. This will suffice.


As they are climbers, you should install thick branches or trunks of different sizes and thicknesses. In addition to plants with preferably dense foliage (if they are natural, then that’s better) that allow them to hide. Take care that they are not toxic, because from time to time they will bite a leaf.

Humidity for your Pet Chameleon

To maintain humidity for your pet chameleon, I recommend installing a humidifier. Although you can also maintain it using a spray of water at least twice a day. Also, install a thermometer that tells you the temperature, which you can increase or decrease using the light from your lighting system.


Install special lighting tubes for reptiles. You can find them in pet stores. The tubes will always be located outside and in the upper part of the cage or terrarium, where the pet chameleon will not reach them as it can cause serious burns. Lighting should be maintained at least ten hours a day to ensure a warm environment.

UVB Lighting For Chameleons! | Choosing The Right Light!
By Emma Lynne Sampson

Substrate and Cleaning

At the bottom, preferably put organic substrate that serves as a grip for the terrarium plants. Alternatively, newsprint can be used as a cheaper option, but much of the natural aesthetic is lost.

The cleaning of the pet chameleon terrarium will be done weekly.

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