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Pet Ferret Litterbox Training

A pet ferret litterbox by TrainedPets

A pet ferret litterbox by TrainedPets

Your pet ferret can be litter box trained. With patience and consistency, you can get your ferret to use a litter box and reduce mess during playtime. It is easier than you think.

Litter for ferrets

The litter box or tray should be large enough for the pet ferret, but it can be shallow. Ferrets don’t bury their feces, so you only need a thin coat. Ferrets tend to scratch in their litter, so it is best to select an odorfree, dust-free litter so as not to end up with irritated respiratory systems. They are also rubbed against the bed before exiting the litter box, so it is not convenient to use clumped or clay litter that can get stuck in the anus and be traced through the house. The best option is a pellet bed made from recycled newspaper, denatured hardwood pellets, or alfalfa pellets.

Steps to Litter Box Training Your Pet Ferret

As you expand your range, add more litter boxes so your ferret can easily find one when they need it.

How To Litter Train Ferrets By Hair Of The Dog – Pet Spa & Dog Wash


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