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Pet Hamster: Why do they eat their own children?

Their Children Are Weak

Focusing on the condition of hamstersthere are many reasons a pet hamster would eat their young. First, their offspring are believed to be defenseless, young, and fragile. Their parents instinctively eat them because they consider them incapable. Meaning that the parents, noting that they are weak, believe that they will not live. They prefer to avoid future dangers in the world. This is the natural choice of the strongest. Only the toughest hamsters will be the ones that perpetuate the species.

The pet Hamster can’t take care of ALL of them

On the other hand, it is believed that before the litters are born (which are often quite a lot), the mother experiences some anxiety and copes with the situation. Perhaps the female before so many young males begins to see that she will not be able to keep all of them. And, that she will not be able to keep her safe. Therefore, she chooses to eat some of the young so that she can take care of the rest of her offspring without any problem. This ensures that the rest of their family does not miss a thing. Although they seem strange, the reasons are full of generosity and the female pet hamster thinks about the well-being of most of her offspring.

The need of Nutrients

Another theory about pet hamster meat-eater is that after giving birth, the female feels very weak. It needs a high contribution of nutrients to survive and take care of their feces. Therefore, it is possible for a female to eat some of her young so that she does not die and can take care of the rest of their siblings. They are the reasons for survival and pure logic. We must understand the great sacrifice the female makes for the benefit of the family.

The pet Hamster misunderstood their children as not as their own

Finally, it has been observed that sometimes if a child is born far from the nest, the mother may not recognize that child as her own. This distance from the nesting site may cause the mother to reject it or simply not be considered breeding it. Thus, it may end up being considered a source of food that allows her to be healthy and strong to feed the rest of the litter.

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