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Puppy Safety & First Aid for Puppies

Puppy Safety

Before you bring the puppy home, you will certainly need to dogproof your house. This ensures their puppy safety. Just like a curious child, your pup will certainly be into everything. You must maintain an attentive watch over what enters into your pup’s mouth.

Poisonous Substances

Poisonous substances such as cleansers, cleaning agents, bleach, rat toxin, and mothballs need to be put high in closets. If the puppy gets involved in these caustic compounds, they can end up being fairly unwell. In some cases, the consumed toxin could be deadly.


Plants can be gorgeous to beautify your home, but some are harmful to pups. Spinach and tomato creeping plants, Aloe Vera, Ivy, Easter Lilies, Elephant Ears, Poinsettias, Toxin Ivy, and also Oak, and Rhododendrons are just a few of the plants that can cause problems. Apple seeds, Apricot, as well as Peach pits can also make the young puppy ill.

Keeping the Toilet Seat down

Make sure to maintain your toilet cover down too. Larger puppies are able to play in and consume the liquid. This can be fairly unsafe due to the cleansers that are made use of in the toilet. So prevent the habit before it starts.


Electric cords are a huge issue. These dangling ropes just resemble a lot of fun to the pup. They will certainly more than likely used them for chewing. They might burn their mouth, start a fire, or be electrocuted. So, hide any cords that are simply laying around. If you can’t relocate the cord, at least unplug it for safety.

Porch Access

If you reside in a high rise apartment, make sure all the doors with access to porches or porches are secured tightly. Some animals are so little they can move through the rails and fall.

Puppy w/ Safety Harness

The most effective rule of thumb is to get down on all fours and also go discovering around your house. Anything you see that may create an issue, remove it before the pup gets here. Starting them out in a risk-free atmosphere and also they will be around for a long time ahead.

First Aid for Your Pup

Begin by arranging an Emergency Treatment Set(First Aid Kit) for the puppy. Include such products as a thermometer, ice packs, gloves, towels, meat flavorful infant foods, tweezers, scissors, peroxide, as well as alcohol wipes. A small and empty chest or a toolbox works perfectly for storing all the items needed collectively in one place. Underneath the toolbox or chest, write down your name, home address, phone number, and the vet‘s name and number in case you manage to lose the box.
For bleeding, apply direct pressure until bleeding stops. Hold for at least ten minutes and bandage wounds.


For burns including chemical, electrical, or heat, you will see swelling, redness of the skin, and blistering. Run the wound under plenty of cool water. Ice the injured part for twenty minutes. First, wrap the ice pack in a towel. Call the vet immediately.


Potentially, Diarrhea can cause serious issues for your pup. Carry food away for 12 to 24 hours, but leave some of that water available. You may notice in several cases that some animals that look constipated are actually sore from diarrhea. If the puppy doesn’t improve, call the vet.


Heatstroke can be quite scary. You will notice any quick or difficulty breathing, vomiting, high body temperature, and weakness. Run cool water over the animal. Wrap the pup in a cool wet towel and stop all ministrations when the temp is 103 degrees. Call the vet immediately.

Fractured Limb

If you think your dog has a fractured limb, contact the vet immediately. Look for bleeding wounds and signs of shock. DO NOT even attempt to fracture yourself, you could do more damage without being aware of it. As you move your animal, try to support their limb as gently as you can.

Bites from Another Animal

Animals surrounding a First Aid Kit

If your pup keeps bite wounds from another animal, you must avoid getting bitten in general. Even non-biting dogs will bite when in pain. If they have a wound, clean it with saline and then wrap with gauze to keep things tidy. If bleeding profusely, apply pressure. Don’t ever use a tourniquet. Do wear gloves because you don’t know the extent of the contamination.

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