Home Dogs Why is my dog barking a lot?

Why is my dog barking a lot?


Stress may be a cause of Dog Barking

It develops when your dog considers that some of their basic needs are not covered (food, walk, play, or affection). In these cases, they use the barking as an escape route to express their frustration.


Dogs are social animals, used to living together in a pack. If your dog spends a lot of time alone, they may tend to bark to express their discomfort.

Socialization problems

Dogs that did not socialize properly when they were puppies, generate fear of certain stimuli in the environment that surrounds them (objects, noises, or people) and respond by barking. Find out how to help them socialize.

Enthusiasm can also be a cause of Dog Barking

As with people, there are dogs that are more expressive or excitable than others. They are usually very active, and they get excited in the presence of loved ones or other dogs with whom they have an affinity, expressing it through barking.

“Guardian” attitude

It is typical of breeds accustomed to developing vigilance behaviors, due to their nature. Dog barking, in this case, is a warning sign.

A small dog jack russell terrier By Tetiana

Your Dog may bark out of fear

If your dog has suffered a traumatic experience, they may have internalized fear of certain situations or attitudes. This causes that, when feeling threatened, they use their barking in a recurrent way to express their feeling of danger.

Relationship with other dogs:

When dogs interact with each other, they usually show diverse reactions, associated with attitudes that range from play to the establishment of hierarchies. It is important, in these cases, that you observe the origin of the excessive barking when it occurs and in what kind of situations. 

Whatever the reason, correcting a dog’s excessive barking requires perseverance and patience.

How to avoid your dog from barking a lot?

The guidelines we recommend below can help you minimize so much dog barking:

  • Try to make your dog feel calm and relaxed, both inside and outside the house. They use caresses and prizes (snacks) so that they understand that they’re safe in any space. 
  • Don’t punish or scold them when they use their barking. Work on this behavior from positive reinforcement if you don’t want to increase their stress and feelings of frustration. It is also not convenient that you pet them if they use their barks out of fear because you can convey that they’re acting correctly. 
  • Provide them with toys that decrease their anxiety, and share experiences with him. Going for a walk and playing sports together is an excellent therapy to release your anxiety and make you discharge all your energy, forgetting about your barking. 
  • When you notice that some element or situation causes fear, try to distract them with something that they like a lot (for example, with a snack) until they calm down. 
  • Don’t force them to interact with other dogs or people if you don’t see them being receptive to it. Encouraging socialization and play with other dogs is essential for their well-being, but forcing them can lead to aggressive behaviors and their barking, even accompanied by bites. 
Dog Barking at home kerkezz

Finally, remember that animals can have internalized aspects that are not always easy to control. In the event that your dog does not respond to any of these guidelines, and her barking continues to be excessive, we recommend that you turn to a veterinarian specialized in canine behaviors (ethologist) so that she can help you find the best solution.


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