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Exotic Pets: Reasons NOT to Adopt them

To many people, having pets around by your side is a great thing. But when it comes to exotic pets, it sounds fun and all that, but is it really? Many would disagree with this case. So to understand here’s reasons not to adopt exotic pets.

Adopting Exotic Pets is a form of animal abuse

Although it may seem innocent, the truth is that the purchase and sale of exotic animals is a form of animal abuse. Exotic animals are forcibly removed from their natural habitat, transported in terrible conditions to other countries. They also do not receive veterinary attention. Also, they don’t even have a correct diet or even basic hygiene conditions. This practice violates all the rights of a sentient being,. That is why you should not be part of this vicious circle.

Laws are broken when it comes to exotic pets

In some countries, the possession of exotic pets is not legal. They are not considered suitable to live in a home. If you buy an exotic pet in the informal market, you will be following the current regulations. Sooner or later could cause problems or translate into fines, large sums of money… In addition to the animal being removed from your side.

You put the particular species in danger

If a “rare” species becomes popular, be it for fashion or other reasons, the interest of illegal pet sellers will grow. As a result of the above, they will try to destroy each living being of that species. To acquire greater amounts of money. This can even lead to extinction for a particular animal.

You are encouraging a bad practice

People who empathize with animals, we consider ourselves close to ethics, values ​​, and the rights of life in general. However, if you love living beings but buy an animal considered “rare”… you are being part of a crime, going on to bring animal rights. And, additionally, forgetting the ethics that characterize animal owners. Don’t be part of an activity that hurts others, just to earn money from the suffering of others.

You can bring diseases and pests to other countries/states

For health reasons, it is not a good idea to buy an exotic pet either. If it is forbidden to bring fruits, seeds or plants, from other countries, to avoid the arrival of pests from abroad, imagine those that a smuggled animal could bring. Especially if these pests are not brought legally and the corresponding tests are not carried out, before being admitted to the country.

You are handing money to unscrupulous people

People who profit from the life of an animal do not tend to worry too much about it. since they see it more as a commodity than as a being worthy of respect and affection. If you buy exotic pets, you are encouraging this type of subject to receiving money from the exploitation of the weakest. Therefore, you give them reasons to continue abusing animals and selling them to the highest bidder. No life has a price. No one should have the power to profit from a living being.

Before buying/adopting an animal, especially exotic pets, think about all the rights that are passed to take, changing a pet for a sum of money. Even if there are species that are fashionable or attract your attention, remember that life comes first. The best thing you can do is give a home to an animal that really needs it and that will undoubtedly be able to more than repay that gesture. Adopt and change the life of a living being!

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