Home Pets Exotic Pets Exotic Pets: 4 Reasons to adopt Exotic Animals

Exotic Pets: 4 Reasons to adopt Exotic Animals


Instead of adopting a cat or a dog, it wouldn’t hurt to adopt a different animal. Why not give exotic pets a chance? If not, to convince you otherwise, I’ll list some reasons to adopt them.

Danger of extinction

Most of these animals suffer poaching in their places of origin, they are captured without any control and illegally removed from the borders. There are populations of animals that have been driven to extinction due to the illegal purchase of offspring or parts.

To prevent this from happening, laws were created that regulate exotic animals being able to live with us as exotic pets. In addition to the risk that hunting poses to the ecosystem, it is also used to control security systems.

Animals that come from illegal hunting do not follow adequate health protocols. We do not know for sure where exactly they come from, their characteristics, or what diseases they had or have been able to catch during the trip.

Zoonoses/Zoonosis in Exotic Pets

These are diseases transmitted by animals to people or other pets in our home. Among them scabies, but there are other diseases that are characteristic of exotic animals. And, also, that we do not suffer in our country. Contagion by any of them can even imply death.

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Hospital protocols do not require asking if we have exotic pets in our home and we would not say so if it is illegal. The lack of rigor in terms of health with these exotic pets means that they cross borders without adequate vaccines. Or become ill during transport. Reptiles are very prone to infecting different types of zoonoses through the intestinal flora. So it is recommended not to kiss them.

Apart from ignorance, our system is not immunized to its germs and vaccines cannot be found quickly.

Invasive species

Who has not heard stories of crocodiles or reptiles that were in the pipes under the cities? This usually happens when we buy an animal irresponsibly. It grows and we no longer know what to do with it.

Many of these exotic pets end up abandoned by their owners. Since, as their name suggests, they are not conventional pets such as dogs or cats. But some are wild species that cannot be adapted to living together inside a house.

Many others end up escaping from the houses. In the best of cases, if they manage to survive in flora and fauna that is not their own, they end up becoming invasive species. As an example, we have the case of the Florida Turtle, exported from the United States. Many of these turtles, when they got older, were released; some of them pregnant, survived, and became a real threat to native turtles.

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Challenging to handle

Any exotic veterinarian will agree that they are not conventional pets. They are used to a wild environment and will behave in the same way. Additionally, may even cause damage to the house, furniture, curtains, and even injuries to their owners.

Therefore, before acquiring exotic pets of these characteristics, we will have to inform ourselves well that it is a legal purchase. That it has all the vaccines and that we can provide the best living conditions in our home.


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