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Pet Parrot: Preventing your parrot from plucking

After knowing the cause of your pet parrot plucking, you should know what to do about it. Next, you most likely have one question in mind. How do I prevent my parrot from plucking its feathers? Well…

Preventing a pet parrot from plucking its feathers is not always possible. This is mostly because it is seen that this behavior can be caused by a hormonal deficit or bacterial infection. However, it is possible to try that the health of your parrot is optimal and that its immune system is competent. Also, for your parrot, try your best to avoid any factor that could be stressful for them.

If you want to prevent your pet parrot from plucking its feathers, it will be very useful to follow the following tips:

After taking these preventive measures, it is guaranteed that it will indeed help your pet parrot to enjoy a better quality of life.

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