Home Pets Exotic Pets Pet Iguana: Facts about them

Pet Iguana: Facts about them


Want to know more about a pet iguana? If so, learn more about them via facts!


Pet iguanas are cold-blooded reptiles, so they need to inhabit warm, tropical areas. The sun is essential for their survival. Therefore, those who keep a pet iguana should ensure that they are warm at all times.


One of the great hallmarks of pet iguanas is that they are very solitary. It is rare to see them in a group. Except in the mating season. Only then do they concentrate in groups consisting of a dominant male and several females. The rest of their lives these animals are alone.


One of the main curiosities about iguanas has to do with what is known as the courtship dance. Which takes place during mating. This is the expansion of the double chin by the male, while moving the head and tail. These reptiles use their tails and dewlaps to communicate with others of their kind. In addition, the tail is used on many occasions as a defensive weapon.

A pet iguana can camouflage

Female iguanas have a great ability to camouflage themselves, especially when they are in the gestation period. That’s when they dig tunnels to lay their eggs safely and thus mislead predators. They are very deep tunnels, sometimes reaching 2 meters.

A Pet Iguana on a branch
By Ljupco Smokovski

Anatomy of a pet iguana

They measure between 60 centimeters and 2 meters long, between the head and the tail. They have a weight that ranges between 33-37 pounds. Regarding their anatomy, the hind legs are much larger than the front ones. Pet iguanas both have very tough claws that these reptiles use to be able to climb trees and not fall. They also use their claws to tear apart the body of their prey.


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