Home Pets Exotic Pets Pet Iguana: Why you Should Adopt One

Pet Iguana: Why you Should Adopt One


When it comes to exotic pets, reptiles, such as iguanas, can appear in that list. If you consider getting a different pet, read this article. Then maybe you’ll consider wanting a pet iguana instead.

They can grow as long as you let them

Of course, not literally. The largest iguanas that have been recorded do not exceed 2.5 meters, but you can decide when to stop their growth. The iguana will grow as much as the habitat you buy it and the type of food it receives allows.

Pet Iguanas are vegetarian

For some reason people think that iguanas eat insects, but this is not the case. Iguanas are strictly vegetarian. Of course, the correct nutrition of these animals is achieved through specific plants that you find in the vet, it is not enough to give them a lettuce leaf from time to time.

Pet Iguanas love heat

These animals are tropical lizards, so it is good to have an iguana as a pet if you live in a place where the winters are not so harsh. In the summer, your pet iguana will be able to roam freely around your home, as if it were any pet.

Your pet iguana will let themselves be touched

It is not easy at all to tame an iguana, but once you do it it is a very rewarding feeling. Having a pet iguana implies dedication. Every day you must work with it until you gain its trust. Eventually, they’ll allow you to touch and manipulate it with your hands as much as you want.

Blue Iguana
By Yuriy Seleznyov

They like to socialize with other iguanas

This is a characteristic that iguanas share with other species of lizards such as chameleons or lizards. If you put two or more pet iguanas together, they will automatically coexist. Either to raise their body temperature or to take a walk in the sun.

Your Pet Iguana will recognize you

Having a pet iguana, for many people, the ideal emotional bond that can be had with an animal. Many iguana owners consider their pet a friend, a part of their family. These creatures are independent in nature. But you will often be surprised how happy they will be when you spend time with them.

With due care, they do not transmit disease

All pets carry diseases that can be spread to humans. Reptiles are no exception. However, with due care, this should not be a problem. Remember to wash your hands before and after touching your iguana. As well as to keep it away from your clothing, food, and personal care items.

Your Pet Iguana doesn’t require much care

Many people like reptiles, but don’t have the time or patience to have a pet. If you think like this, the iguana is your ideal pet. Although the habitat they need must be carefully selected, once it is installed it is no bigger problem than a weekly cleaning.

You can leave them free inside the house

Iguanas may seem like slow and lazy animals, but the truth is that they love to explore in search of food or sun. If you release it in your room, it will behave almost like a hamster. It will not give you problems and you can see them happy.

A Side Profile of an Iguana
By vchphoto

They look amazing

Almost every iguana owner I know acquired one because they really liked it and had dreamed of owning it all their lives. And I have to agree with them, they are animals with their own style and that look good, especially when they reach a certain size. If you are looking for a good alternative to common pets, there is nothing better than these little lizards.


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