Home Cats Elder Cat: Guidelines on taking care of them

Elder Cat: Guidelines on taking care of them


When it comes to taking care of an Elder Cat, it’s pretty much needed that you need to know the guidelines relating to it. Continue reading to know about these guidelines!

Veterinary Control of your Elder Cat

If a cat needs periodic check-ups by the vet , when it reaches “a certain age”, they are essential.

Remember that your elder cat could tend to suffer from “leaks”, which is typical of their age. They cause various discomfort and pain.

And be careful, because cats still retain the ancestral atavism that leads them to hide their ailments and weaknesses. As long as they do not attract the attention of possible predators.

This is why it is so important that you take them to the vet, at least twice a year, in order to check their general health. Also to perform the analytics and other tests. This includes radiography, electrocardiogram, etc. that the doctor considers necessary to diagnose, control, and treat your elder cat’s health problems.

Diseases and quality of life

Although a cat lives among cottons, without deficiencies of any kind, the passage of time and physical deterioration are inevitable.

Senior tomcat in front of a suitable background

If you live with an elder cat, it is likely that it has some of the following disorders:

  • Vision problems
  • Hearing loss
  • Olfactory loss
  • Periodontal disease
  • Kidney disorders
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Cognitive disorders

Take advantage of the moments of caresses or hygiene to feel your cat. In search of possible lumps or changes in its skin.

Pain Relief for your Elder Cat

Like mentioned before, felines tend to conserve the wild animal that they were in the past; they feel prey, and as such, they try to hide their weakness so as not to be “hunted”.

But, how do we know if our cat hurts from something if it hides it? Simply, through observation.

Our feline feels unwell when we see that: they lose their appetite, is inactive, does not want to walk, changes their behavior. Also lack of attention, aggressiveness, apathy, etc. They could also gasp, seeming to be short of breath, etc.

Before any of these signs, we must go to the veterinarian to examine it and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

serious cat relaxed on the window
By Iakov Kalinin

Adequate Nutrition

All living beings require adequate nutrition, especially when they are most vulnerable. Which usually happens in old age.

At these ages, it is advisable to consult with the veterinarian about the most appropriate diet for our elder cat. Depending on its specific characteristics.

In accordance with their recommendations, always opt for specific feed for your feline’s needs.

This in the event that your furry friend can chew; if they have lost their teeth, offer them good wet food.

The products sold in specialized stores, in addition to having a palatable taste for seniors, contain the right proportion of nutrients. And antioxidants for our felines.

Hygienic Habits

If your elder cat has had good dental habits since when they were young and has become familiar with the brush and toothpaste, we already have a long way to go.

Be that as it may, we must provide elderly felines with routine hygiene. This is to avoid such frequent disorders as gingivitis or the accumulation of bacterial plaque.

black and white old cat on a wooden background
By Veta

Since cats love to groom themselves, if we notice that they stop doing it, they are likely to suffer from a problem in their mouth that causes them pain. When it occurs, the consequence can be seen in unkempt and dirty fur.

On the other hand, don’t forget to clean their litter tray daily; it has to be within sight of the cat. If the house is large, you can put several additional trays. The sandboxes must be comfortable, without high edges, so that the elder cat enters and leaves without problems.

Hydration for your Elder Cat

Regarding hydration, we must be especially careful and attentive to our old cats.

They think that, somehow, their body has been transformed. Their physical and mental capacities are reduced and that their body temperature changes… Either way, they still need good hydration.

To avoid the danger of dehydration, it is vital that you always have fresh, clean water at your disposal. You can alternate the usual container with a continuous water fountain, to encourage them to drink as much as they need.

Moderate physical exercise

Because your cat is elderly, they do not have to abandon their daily activity. Of course, it has to be adapted to their age. And physical and mental circumstances.

You can encourage them to exercise with the help of some toys and scratchers.

Wise looking senior British Shorthair cat
By Nynke

Pleasant & Safe Environment

In advanced ages, cats can become disoriented and show certain difficulties in their movements around the home. Also, some of their limitations make them more vulnerable to certain domestic hazards.

To avoid accidents, try to close all the gaps where your feline can slip or fall. Also limit access to closets, furniture. And places where he can enter but it is difficult for them to leave.

Think that now your cat is not the same as before and needs to live in a more comfortable and protected environment.

Play with them!

As important as the material care are the caresses and pampering that you can lavish on your elderly cat.

Take advantage of any favorable moment to caress and play with them.  They are unique moments, which comforts your feline friend physically and mentally.


Elderly cats are usually lazy and calm, respect those moments when your furry wants to rest without being disturbed.

Old cat sleeping on a wooden floor
By nicholashan

If at night, when they do not stop meowing, try to calm them by whispering their name several times. It is a trick with which many cats calm down. Of course, you can use another method to calm them down, if you have other ideas.

In the event that they continue with their chant, rule out any illness by going to the vet.

Has your cat been the king/queen of the house until their old age? Together have you lived endearing and fun moments? Well, let them continue to reign in their old age.


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