Home Rabbits Pet Rabbit: Common Myths About Them

Pet Rabbit: Common Myths About Them


Rabbits do not need special care

Although rabbits are not like dogs, requiring a lot of attention and affection, these friendly beings do need care and are not easy to maintain. The place where they live must be kept clean and hygienic, be it a cage, box or other space, since the urine of rabbits is a source of germs. In addition to being strong and can damage their own skins. As for the feeding of rabbits, it must be very nutritious and daily. Hay, grains, mixed greens, or pet rabbit food from markets will be fine.

Pet rabbits only live 1 to 2 years

It is widespread that rabbits only live for 1 to 2 years, however, this is not true. These pets do not have a long life, but with good care they can live from 7 to 10 years.

It is not necessary to take the pet rabbit to the vet

Another mistake made is believing that it is not necessary to take the pet rabbit to the vet. On the contrary, these animals require more attention than dogs and cats. They should be vaccinated regularly, every six months if possible, to avoid being contaminated with some germs from the environment, as they are fragile in health. In addition, their teeth, a fundamental tool of this type of mammal, must be checked frequently. Otherwise they may fall out.

Pet rabbits smell bad

Of course, if we leave a rabbit for days without cleaning its vital spaces, and without taking care of its hygiene, it will start to smell bad, but by default these animals do not have an unpleasant aroma. Rabbits are clean animals , which easily fall ill in unhygienic conditions .

You don’t have to give a rabbit much space to live

Many people think that rabbits should not be given a lot of space to live, a little corner is enough for them, if they are there still just eating. Another widespread myth. In reality, if we observe them in nature, these animals are jumping and use large spaces to carry out their movements. Therefore, pets must be found a spacious place, with access to the patio, where they can run and jump freely.

A preschool boy playing with a pet rabbit
By Tomsickova

Rabbits are docile and never bite

It is not a myth that rabbits are docile . They actually have a natural softness and the hatchlings are skittish. However, it is a myth that they never bite. Like an animal that has a nervous system, the sensitivity of these beings can be altered if the environment is wild and hostile. Under stress, pet rabbits can bite and even transmit disease.

If you are going to have a bunny with you, it is advisable that you make them feel comfortable and safe. Avoid all these myths  that are false. I guarantee that they will never be aggressive and you can have a gentle and very beautiful companion at home.

If you are a dog lover, check out this article for myths about dogs!


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