Home Cats British Shorthair Cat: Facts About Them

British Shorthair Cat: Facts About Them


Origin of the British Shorthair Cat

During World War II, the British Shorthair breed was decimated by the consequences of the war in the UK, and breeders were forced to cross them with other long-haired cats. Such as Persians, to “repopulate” the breed.

The blue british cat

There is a variant of the British cat that is blue(“British Blue”), and it is sometimes confused with other cats with similar fur. Such as the Russian blue or the Chartreux. The British cat is considerably larger than the Russian blue.

The british cat in the cinema

The Cheshire cat, from Alice in Wonderland, is a British SHorthair cat. That signature smile is unmistakable! >:)

British Shorthair cat health & diseases

It does not require much specific care, except for periodic visits to the vet, a good diet, care and frequent brushing.

These British Shorthairs do not require unusual care, but they have a tendency to suffer from two ailments: polycystic kidney disease and feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Their weight

They are animals prone to obesity, so we must control their amounts of food. A British cat should weigh between 8.81-17.6 pounds.

A small smokey kitten of the British Shorthair breed sleeping By garmashevanatali

British shorthair coat( + care)

The British cat can have several shades in its coat. The most common is bluish-gray. However, it can also be white, smoky(like the one in the photo, on the right), brindle, bicolored, etc.

For the British to maintain that characteristic soft and dense coat, we must know how to bathe it well. Let them settle in the bathtub or sink before you start. Use lukewarm water to make the sensation pleasant. Try to relax them and use fragrance-free shampoo.

Cleaning their face

Cleaning their face is also important. Use a gauze soaked in warm water and gently wipe it over their eyes. Important: dry the ears well to avoid infections and fungi.

British shorthair character

They are calm and quiet, suitable to live with other animals, and very good as companions for children, although they are not very playful cats once they have reached maturity. Besides that, it is an affectionate and communicative cat who loves to feel loved. These British Shorthairs are also loyal and do not detach themselves from their humans. This does not mean that they do not maintain their share of independence.

Maturation of the British cat

Their maturation age is two years, so you will have a cuddly, playful, and docile cat puppy during that time. However, it will continue to grow until almost 4 years of age.

Purebred British shorthair cat By Анатолий Казаков

Parasites in the British shorthair cat

Due to the density of its coat, it is quite easy for parasites to lodge among the hairs of your British cat. We will have to check it frequently, prevent by using specific products, and to take it to the vet if necessary.

British colorpoint cat

In recent years, cats belonging to the British breed have appeared with the colorpoint pattern on their fur. There is controversy about whether to consider them British cats or not, although their physiognomy corresponds. Especially it occurs in those with long hair.


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