Home Fishes Freshwater Angelfish & Marine Angelfish

Freshwater Angelfish & Marine Angelfish


Angelfish, also known as a scalar, is a type of ray-finned fish. There are many species of angelfish that can be divided into two main groups: marine and freshwater angelfish. The freshwater angelfish, also known as cichlids, are native to South America.

Their Length

Angelfish can reach 5-61 cm long, depending on the species.

Marine & Freshwater Angelfish Body Appearance

Marine angelfish can be red, blue, green, or yellow in color and covered with various bright markings and bands. Freshwaters are silvery-blue in color and covered in dark longitudinal stripes.

Identifying male and female angelfish is not an easy task because they are the same size and have the same body coloration.

The brightly colored body provides camouflage on coral reefs and plays an important role in communication.

Both freshwater and marine angelfish have a slim, laterally compressed body, smallmouth, and long dorsal and anal fins.

What to Feed to a Freshwater Angelfish By Sameer Mhatre

Their Diet

Angelfish are omnivores (their diet is based on both plants and animals). Marine angelfish like to eat sponges, algae, jellyfish, and small fish. Freshwater angelfish are more carnivorous in nature. They like to eat worms, shrimp, and insects.

Marine and Freshwater Angelfishes are Intelligent

Experts claim that angelfish are highly intelligent creatures that can recognize their owners (when kept as pets).

Freshwater Angelfishes change their ways as they develop

Young freshwaters often live in a group, while adults prefer a solitary life. They become territorial and aggressive towards other fish when they reach adulthood.

They’re not agile swimmers

Angelfish are not agile swimmers and cannot cope with strong currents in the water.

They are monogamous or are in harems

Freshwaters form monogamous pairs that last a lifetime. Marine angelfish are monogamous or live in harems made up of one male and several females.

Freshwater angelfish
By BlackBookPhoto

Their Eggs

Females produce 100-1000 eggs per season. Both parents guard their eggs and protect their offspring when they hatch. Unlike freshwaters, marine angelfish eggs float freely during the incubation period and serve as food for many plankton eaters.


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