Home Exotic Pets Reptiles Pet Gecko: Common Geckos that are Pets

Pet Gecko: Common Geckos that are Pets


Leopard pet gecko

The leopard pet gecko is one of the most popular among raised geckos. Native to the Middle East, they are named for the spots on their skin, very similar to those of leopards.

These small reptiles are very suitable as pet geckos because they are small. Therefore, they do not need much space. These geckos do not have odors nor they are not expensive. Also, they are easy to maintain and they can be left alone for several days, as long as they do not lack food or water.

A Phelsuma Pet Gecko in a Tropical Terrarium
By CuteIdeas

Phelsuma or day geckos

These geckos are more nervous and a little more aggressive. They do not like to be caught, the most popular is the giant Phelsuma, which can measure up to 30 centimeters and live for more than 30 years.

They need significantly more space than leopard geckos and a temperature of about 30 degrees. Although these pet geckos require more maintenance than other geckos, they are still very popular as pets due to their large size.

Crested pet geckos

Crested Gecko on a log
By chris

These geckos are very popular because they love being picked up. Also, they are very sociable and have the ability to jump great distances. They are geckos that can change the color of their skin from brown to red or orange.

Crested pet geckos do not require much space or much maintenance, so they are the perfect pet geckos for those who do not have much free time. Additionally, they can also live at room temperature. One thing to keep in mind is that we should not keep two male geckos in the same facility because they are very territorial.


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