Home Cats Black Cats: Several Things About Them

Black Cats: Several Things About Them


Why were black cats considered witch pets?

Black cats are, along with pumpkins, the quintessential Halloween icons, and the number one costume choice for both elementary school boys and first-year college girls. However, do you know how they got such a spooky role?

Starting in the middle ages, black cats were associated with Satan, witches, and witchcraft. Some people came to believe that black cats were cohorts of witches or even witches who had taken another form. This widespread superstition led to the horrible mass slaughter of those cats. And, sometimes even their owners.

In addition to continuing to represent everything mysterious, the fear of black cats still has some influence today. Many animal shelters do not dare to find houses for black cats during the month of October for fear that they will be used for some sacrifice, strangely enough, there are still people like that today.

They can help with your love life

Forget the stereotypes of the perpetually single crazy cat. In some parts of the world, it is believed that black cats can enhance your love life. Just remember to remove the hairs from your clothes before going on your date. In Japan, for example, single women who own black cats are believed to attract more suitors. In Britain, a black cat is the ideal wedding gift. They are believed to bring good luck and happiness to the bride.

Black cats can bring you luck

Black cats can not only improve your love life, but they can also increase your good luck and improve your finances. Historically, sailors brought cats aboard ships to hunt mice, and presumably, for company. However, British sailors believed that a black cat would bring good luck to the ship and ensure a safe return home.

Black cat
By Hlne

However, it was a bit more difficult for pirates. They believed that a black cat walking towards you as a symbol of bad luck. A black cat wandering away from you was good luck and if a black cat jumped onto the ship, the ship would sink.

For those of us who are not in a maritime profession, a black cat arriving at the door indicates prosperity (a common belief in Scotland). And also, a black cat crossing its path indicates good luck (in England and Ireland).

Black cats can resist diseases

Put on your lab coat and goggles: Researchers from the National Institutes of Health found that genetic mutations that cause cats to be black can offer them some protection against disease. In fact, the mutations affect the same genes that offer resistance to HIV in humans.

Since cats can experience many of the health problems that we can have. Such as cancer, HIV, and Alzheimer’s, to name a few. By discovering how cats have evolved to resist disease, researchers can learn how to prevent disease in humans.

These cats may appear to have rust

And they don’t actually rust like a can or a bicycle. However, if your black cat has a streak gene in their coat and loves to spend their days lounging in the sun, their coat may turn a rusty brown color. Why? The sun’s rays break down the pigment in their fur to reveal the underlying brindle stripes. They cause this “rust” effect on their fur.


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