Home Fishes Pet Fish: How to know if your fish is hungry

Pet Fish: How to know if your fish is hungry


We review an important and common question in the aquarium world, how to tell when your pet fish is really hungry, let’s take a look at the key points, as well as some food essentials for healthy and happy fish.

Like all animals, pet fish need food to survive. They need food, they need vitamins and minerals, and they definitely need those calories. Since the fish in your home aquarium are confined to one space and only have access to what you give them, feeding the fish the correct amount is up to you.

How do you know if your pet fish is hungry?

The funny thing about pet fish is that they usually eat all the time, even when they are full. That said, once they’re really full, they’ll probably stop eating alone. Sure, that’s a great way of saying they’re full, but how can you tell if they’re hungry? There are some really simple ways you can tell that your fish is hungry.

A little boy feeding their pet fish in aquarium
By Pixel-Shot
  • If you feed your pet fish once a day regularly, or even 2 or 3 times a day if you miss the usual schedule, you can be sure that they are starving. No, in wild fish they do not usually eat every day. They eat when they catch food. However, at home, your fish gets used to a certain feeding schedule. Therefore, losing it will definitely mean that the fish is starving.
  • If your fish are swimming in areas they don’t usually visit, they may be looking for food. If your fish are digging in the substrate, clearly looking for something, they are likely hungry. Fish that are going to rummage, but do not usually rummage through the garbage. Or, are going to inspect the top of the aquarium, something they generally would not do, are signs of hunger.
  • If your pet fish is smaller, particularly in weight and dimensions than that specific type of fish, it could be a sign of underfeeding. However, it could also mean that your fish is small for its type.
  • If your fish is extremely aggressive and very quick to devour food once you feed it, you can be sure that it is very hungry. Yes, fishes are fast feeders. However, if you notice that your fish is trying the extra mile to eat as much as possible in record time, chances are it has been hungry for a while.
  • If the fish is slow or seems disoriented, it may be a sign that you haven’t been feeding it enough for quite some time.

Some pet fish may harass or attack other fish if they are hungry. However, this is difficult to judge as there can be many reasons for aggression.


There you have it, the biggest tell-tale signs your pet fish is hungry. If you notice more than one of these signs, your fish is probably dying from some food. Therefore, be sure to feed it more!


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