Home Cats Pet Cat: Symptoms of a Sick Cat

Pet Cat: Symptoms of a Sick Cat


Change in appetite within your pet cat

Eating too much or too little can mean illness. A change in your cat’s appetite can indicate countless illnesses. It is advisable to take your pet cat to the vet to check it and indicate the studies to be carried out.

Bad breath

If your cat has a strong and unpleasant odor in the mouth it may indicate some gum disease or cavities. That is why it is important to have the habit of brushing their teeth at least once a day, to reduce these risks.

Disposal outside the litter box

When your pet cat has the habit of always relieving themself inside the litter box and one day you start to notice that they do it outside the box and repeatedly, it can be symptoms of a disease.

Change in weight

Both weight loss and sudden gain can be causes of disease in pet cats. These symptoms may indicate thyroid problems. Or, more seriously, cancer.

Behavior changes in your pet cat

If your pet cat is normally very social and suddenly becomes surly, there may be a medical reason.  If they hide in a closet or under the bed so as not to be disturbed, it is a sign of illness or that they are feeling unwell.

A pet cat at the vet clinic
By thodonal

Is there anything else you can do to take care of your pet cat’s health?

Keep a close eye on your pet cat. See how much they are eating and drinking, urinating and defecating. If they develop new or abnormal signs, such as vomiting, diarrhea, sneezing, or coughing, any changes, a visit to the vet is imperative.

Felines are adept at hiding pain, illness, and discomfort. That is why it is important to take them to the vet if you notice any change in their behavior. Early diagnosis and treatment will provide the best outcome for your cat’s recovery.


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