Home Cats Why do my cats lick me? (And What to do)

Why do my cats lick me? (And What to do)


As a fellow cat lover, you will have already seen that cats do not stop licking and cleaning their fur. They are extremely clean and are continually groomed to remove stray hairs or any parasites or dirt you may have. Their tongue is rough to accomplish that goal.

The cat’s behavior raises many doubts because of how unpredictable they can be. If your cat licks you, you may have this question in your mind. Why do my cats lick me? Welp, here are seven different reasons why:

Their expression of love.

It could be a sign of affection towards you and want to keep you clean(No, it’s not that the cat lets you know that you’ve been without a shower for days, filth). You should know that if your cat licks you it is because they have a very strong emotional bond with you, just as they would between members of the same litter or cats that live together. It often occurs when the cat is calm and comfortable in its comfort zone. 

To socialize!

Licking the cat towards other cats is a way of socializing among them, but as we have commented, the cat will only lick another cat or human that it considers part of its “family” (a help in your personal hygiene is always good, even if it is from your cat). It is not very common for a cat to lick a human, so take it as a compliment! 

To reduce anxiety.

Cat Licking their Owner By ajr_images

If your cat licks you constantly and compulsively, it may be going through a stage of anxiety or stress. You have to differentiate between a normal lick, which can be harmful and harmful to itself (if you lick it hard and hurt yourself). If so, it is very important to consult the reason with your vet. 

To determine its territory.

We already know that everything the cat touches caresses and licks their property. The cat has saliva with a very strong odor and surely if it licks you it will want to impregnate itself with its own odor. Yes, you are theirs.  

They are playing with you.

If you are playing and your cat gives you a lick it means that they’re having a great time! So do not get upset, your cat has a very strong emotional bond with you.  

You smell like food!

And that’s it. You just smell like food. You may have been cooking, you have touched something and some smell has become impregnated that attracts your cat to lick your hand.  

Why do my cats lick me? Question answered, now, to another question.

What do I do when my cat licks me?

It is best to enjoy these rough and loving licks, as long as it is not a sign of anxiety, stress, or harm to themself. It is a way of letting you know that you are part of their family. Baby kittens often play by nibbling and licking, but many adult cats have fun as well. Tea may sometimes bite a little harder than usual. Although it is difficult to determine why my cat bites (Post under construction). Since there may be different reasons that lead them to do it, generally your cat will lick and bite you gently to play and have fun.

A cat licking a woman’s nose By By Светлана Фарафонова

If you do not like your cat to lick you, be patient, do not be abrupt or angry with them, since they will not understand why you react that way when what they’re doing is something positive and a sign of affection and family bond.

After reading this article, you may be curious about Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds!


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