Home Cats Reasons why your cat meows

Reasons why your cat meows


When it comes to cat meows, they are communicating, so we must pay close attention to them. I’ll tell you what are the main reasons why they meow.

Meows are one of the most important sources of information about the mood and even the health of our cats. Therefore, we must pay special attention to them, since it is their primary way of communicating with us and as such provides us with many clues about what they do and do not want, and what happens to them.

Being something so characteristic of cats, it is possible that sometimes we do not pay too much attention to them. It is a mistake since the cat always wants to tell us something when it makes sounds.

In this sense, you may have observed (or rather heard) that your cat meows differently depending on what it meows. For example, it is not the same, demanding caresses and pampering than asking for food; the tone and even the volume will be different. Little by little you will be able to understand it better and better and your communication will improve significantly.

Meows are also a good indicator of a cat’s health. When something hurts or bothers him, the cat will complain. The meow is different from the rest in these cases, so at the slightest doubt, if you notice it changed, we recommend that you go to the vet because it may be due to a health problem.

A Cat Meowing By dimakp

The sounds emitted by the cat are a world apart. We can divide them into medium sounds, low-intensity sounds and high-intensity sounds. Meows are among the first, while hissing, for example, is among those of great intensity since they are usually associated with aggressiveness, to a greater or lesser degree.

This level of intensity depends on the emotion that the cat is trying to communicate with us. The more intense the meow, the more “urgent” is the message you want to convey to us or the emotion you want us to understand. In addition, the meow is also different depending on the state in which the cat is. If you are relaxed, they will be shorter and sharper; if you are nervous or angry, they will be longer and deeper.

In short, a whole world of sounds. Learning to listen to your cat is very important; That is why we bring you some of the most common causes of their meows.

As a form of greeting

Sometimes a meow just means “hi.” Surely you have noticed that they usually do it when you get home or when you get up in the morning. 


This is one of the most common causes of constant meowing in the cat. Of course, when we say hunger, we also mean that sometimes it is gluttony; so be careful with going overboard with their amounts of food.

2 Sleepy Cats By Ekaterina Kolomeets

If you have left them alone for many hours, surely when you return home they will meow non-stop. They’re telling you that they’re angry and with their meows, they will let you know that it is not right for them that you have left.

Call for attention

This is very common when the kitten is still a puppy and wants constant pampering, attention, and care from you. 

The mating season

It is no secret that cats are much more restless during the mating season and express it through their meows. That is why sterilization is usually recommended so that they do not have a bad time being so nervous.

If you are a newcomer home

When a kitten is very young and they just got adopted, they will surely meow incessantly because he or she misses either their mother and siblings. Or the people and animals of the foster place where they were.

Dirty sand

Cats care a lot about hygiene, and if their litter tray is dirty they will let you know right away by their meows. Try to keep their litter box always clean so that they can relieve themself comfortably.

A cat Meowing with an Orange Background By Dixi_

One way to ask for something

A cookie, a toy, a ball of paper, a hair tie … Anything you have in your hands is likely to be the property of your cat and with the meows, it will let you know.

A pain or a discomfort

It is difficult to know when the meows are indicative that something bothers or hurts our cat, but if we have good communication with them, they will also let us know with other signs such as apathy or lack of appetite.

They’re already an “old” cat

As cats get older they start to meow more and more, so don’t be surprised if your cat becomes more talkative as he or she gets older.


If you have suffered from something that has caused you stress (such as the arrival of a new member of the family or a move) it is normal that on those days cats meow more than necessary. It is a form of protest against the change in your habits.

Wanting to leave or go to another room

If you usually have the doors closed, your cat may be asking you to open them so they can go to another room or go out to the garden if you have one.

Yawning Cat By


It is a very common cause of meowing in cats. But we already know how they are, it will go away immediately.

Has been lost around the house

Surely if you have a cat it is a situation that you have already experienced: you are at home quietly and you hear its meows but you do not know where it is … It is almost always because it has been locked in a room or closet.

Pampering and affection

Another of the most common causes of our cats’ meows: asking for pampering. In addition, it is a different type of meow, much more “honeyed” and less demanding.

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