Home Fishes Pet Fish: Fish Tips for Beginners

Pet Fish: Fish Tips for Beginners


Choose the best pet fish tank, and don’t mix different species

Once you have decided which species you are going to breed, you should choose an aquarium or fish tank that has the characteristics of your pet fish and that also adapts to the environment and space of your home. Although aquariums often serve as a kind of “sack” where all kinds of fish can fit, it is advisable not to mix different species. Even if they do not attack each other.

Don’t mix fishes with very different speeds

We suggest not mixing slow-moving pet fishes with very fast ones, as apart from creating problems with feeding, they will disrupt the visual balance of the aquarium and generate stress on other fish. Once you have decided where to mount your aquarium you must keep in mind that it should stay there, unless you need to make unavoidable remodeling.

Get a big aquarium!

It sounds contradictory, but it is the reality: a large aquarium is easier to maintain than a small one. Apart from providing more space for the development of the fish, it will allow you to add aquatic plants. Which are vital for feeding and the balance of the aquarium. Additionally, the odd underwater ornament that does not break the visuality you have chosen.

Don’t overfeed your pet fish

Never overfeed your fish. Keep in mind that fish are very gluttonous, even if they are about to burst they will continue trying to eat. Leftover food corrupts the water and affects the cleanliness and general health of your animals.

Avoid overpopulating the pet fish tank

Overpopulating the aquarium is one of the most repeated mistakes (and one of the most costly for the health of the fish). Overcrowding can cause health problems (parasites and other diseases) and fights over food or territory. Also, maybe even the death of one of your fish. A volume of water of at least one liter is recommended for each centimeter of fish.

Overpopulated Cichlid Feeding Time!!
By: Too Many Cichlids


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