Home Dogs Bulldog French Bulldogs: Reasons to get them as a pet

French Bulldogs: Reasons to get them as a pet


Individuals like French Bulldogs for many reasons. They’re cute, sociable… Let’s go over MORE reasons why these bulldogs are liked so much!

They’re small dogs

The French bulldog is an ideal dog in many ways. First of all, because it has a small size that allows it to cope perfectly in small apartments or flats. The space you give them is what they will get used to, so don’t worry if your house is small and the dog is going to have a hard time.

Their character is calm and appeased

The character of French Bulldogs is that they’re very calm, to the point of even being passive at times. Although it matures as it grows (when they are puppies and young they do not stand still). They can stay for hours lying on the floor, the sofa, their bed, wherever! Without even moving a leg! In fact, there comes a time when it is good to force them to move and do some exercise.

French Bulldogs are very sociable and friendly animals.

Something that stands out about this breed of dog is that it gets along very well with other dogs regardless of their size. In any case, you have to be careful at this point. Since the noise they make when breathing can “piss off” and scare some dogs. You may even hear a growl. If the owner of the other dog stops them quickly, there is no problem. But if they do not, the best thing is to leave, because the frenchie has bad milk too.

Protector and guardian when necessary

French Bulldog Sticking their head out of a hole By Patryk Kosmider

The French bulldog is recognized from a distance for being a very effective guard dog(it has a very good hearing). Also for protecting family members. Do the test yourself: Leave the room when the dog is there(without following you) and when you go back inside, make a little noise… you’ll see what happens. In fact, it is better to treat this point with training so that it does not go overboard, since it can be hours prostrate in front of the house door.

You don’t need too much exercise

The French bulldog does not need daily exercises for too long, since it is not an athlete dog. When we said above that it is perfect for flats or small apartments, it is because they do not need long walks or run up and down a mountain to burn their energy (other races do need it). What we do advise is that you take them down to play in the park or in the street so that they can socialize with other dogs.

In short, it adapts very well to life in the city. Also, this does not mean that they do not need attention. It is a dog very dependent on us(this is well known by French bulldog owners). French bulldogs seek attention and continuous contact.So do not forget to play with it at some point of the day.

French Bulldogs can be very affectionate and close

Affectionate? Better said heavy! If you don’t pay them the attention they ask for, they will not hesitate to make themselves noticed with snoring. And they will not be separated from you for hours. As we mentioned before, you need to be listened to.

Perfect if there are children involved

As they are very calm, sociable and affectionate, that gives them a superpower with children, being able to trust that living with children will be wonderful. The French bulldog will provide its protection to the little ones. Especially the females. And will make sure that they are well. If not, it is very likely that they will start barking like crazy. In addition, they will endure all the things that the children can do to them. Such as pulling their ears and hitting them on the back.

They usually bark very little

From our experience, since we have 3 French bulldogs living on the same floor (on the way a room), they only bark when there is a knock on the door. And sometimes they hear some strange noise on the television. The classroom test is passed with flying colors. But it is true that in general, it is not a breed that stands out for barking a lot.

French Bulldogs can be very funny and playful

French Bulldog Puppy playing in the grass By Светлана Валуйская

It’s a breed of dog that is characterized by being playfulcheerful, and very funny. Ideal for homes where the dog is given an important role. Have you seen the faces they make when you make strange noises or call them in a different way than normal? It’s laughable. It could be like this for days. They are also known as the clowns of the dog world. They let themselves do everything. Even if you dress them up or put accessories on them.

Very smart and insightful

We do not have a say to French Bulldogs being intelligent dogs.. It is obvious when you educate them or when they solve doggy dilemmas. They are capable of doing almost anything


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