Home Dogs Pet Dog: How to Lower your Dog’s Fever

Pet Dog: How to Lower your Dog’s Fever


Even though fever is not always a symptom of a grave illness, it is important to keep it in its normal state. You want to prevent causing more problems for your pet dog. Let’s see how you can do it:

  • If your dog has other symptoms besides a rise in temperature, the best thing to do is go to the veterinarian. The fever could be an indication of something more serious. If you think that it’s only a rise in temperature, you can follow other steps. Although if you prefer to have peace of mind, the veterinarian is the best option.
  • Just as with people, cold water is a good option. Since pet dogs are not usually water lovers, how can you do this? First, look for a place where the animal feels relaxed. Wrap them in a damp towel. Let them be for a few minutes so that they get used to the cold water. Afterward, dry them with a towel.
  • If your pet dog does not tolerate being wrapped in a towel, you can always wet a sponge and go over the hottest parts of the animal. These are normally the snout, the underarms, and the groin. After don’t forget to dry the parts that were wet. You can use a hairdryer on the cold setting.
A staffordshire terrier pet dog in a blanket with a cup
By Photoboyko
  • Give the pet dog cold water to drink so that the animal’s body acclimates and cools down. Move their bed and look for a cool place to put it. Outside is a good option if it’s nighttime and not too cold.
  • Bathing them with cold water for ten minutes is another option. Later you will have to dry them with cold air. Never use hot air because that will only make things worse. Don’t exceed the time or it could have negative consequences.
  • Placing bags of ice between the back legs and/or on their head is a good way to lower a fever. However, remember that the pet dog should not be wet for a long time. Also, you should always dry the areas that got wet.
  • If after trying one of all of these remedies, the animal’s fever does not go down and 24 hours have passed, you must go to the veterinarian immediately. Something more serious and less noticeable is probably happening.

Read an article on nursing your dog sick as you lower their fever.


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