Home Rabbits Rabbit: How they benefit your health(+ Rabbit Breeds to adopt)

Rabbit: How they benefit your health(+ Rabbit Breeds to adopt)

Rabbit in grass

Why if you have a rabbit at home you will go less to the doctor?

They provide emotional support, fun, and are excellent companions. Having a pet at home, such as a rabbit, is undoubtedly one of the best decisions. To take care of our physical and mental health. Some studies, in fact, indicate that it lengthens your lifespan.

Almost half of the Spanish households – 46% – live with a pet. Mainly dogs and cats(some with rabbits!), according to the Affinity Foundation. These pets have become one more member of the family. Also, a very special emotional bond is established with them. Additionally, our furry friends have a very positive influence on our health. 

Having a rabbit with which you can interact with generates benefits that go beyond the pure company. “They are excellent companions, fun, faithful, they relax the environment. And, they help us develop observation, empathize more, give more joy and vitality to the home and protect our health, ” says veterinarian Carlos Rodríguez, founder of Mascoteros Solidarios and director of the center. Mascoteros veterinarian, in Madrid. Some studies have observed that they can even lengthen anyone’s lifespan as mentioned before. The University of Uppsala (Sweden), for example, conducted observational research. They found that people living with a companion animal have a 36 percent lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. 

More exercise, better health 

The first  Affinity Foundation Scientific Link Analysis concluded that dog or cat owners go 15 percent less to the doctor. Men also have less cholesterol and blood pressure than those who do not live with a pet.

One of the reasons that you enjoy more health if you have a pet, is that it forces us to exercise more. In addition, it tends to be more intense, according to the University of Lincoln (United Kingdom). This type of activity stimulates the heart, oxygenating the entire body. 

Head tilt in a rabbit with Encephalitozoon cuniculi Rabbit doing a head tilt by Anonymous

It also helps burn calories and, accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet, prevents obesity. And other diseases such as cardiovascular or even cancer. On the other hand, the risk of asthma is reduced by 15 percent, according to other research from Uppsala University. If you live on a farm, this probability can be reduced by half. 

Relax and mitigate loneliness 

Rabbits are also great allies against stress. Several studies have found that contact with our furry friends lowers heart rate, blood pressure, and lowers levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

They also fight depression and can cast the shadow of this disease away in the elderly. “Pets, bring affection, games, and company to the elderly. All this helps them fight depression. In addition, they also encourage them to be active and that will help them stay more physically agile and strike up a conversation with other people, something that will reduce their loneliness,” claimed the expert.

They unite the family 

Our furry friends bring cohesion, harmony, and improve communication at home. And is that having a pet at home is a reinforcement in communication and the link between the members of the family nucleus. Since they demand consensus and cooperation in the care they require. But, in addition, many of the conversations and laughter revolve around these colleagues.

As if all of the above were not enough, they generate more benefits at home. Above all, if there are small children or when the children have already left: 

Brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani) Rabbit on the grass by randomtruth

They promote responsibility.  Having a rabbit at home “requires attending to their needs for food, exercise, hygiene, visits to the vet, and, generally, the smallest of the house tend to actively participate in their care,” says Carlos Rodríguez. 

They mitigate loneliness. Adults can find an excellent companion. But this benefit is also noticed by children “who share confidences, dreams, fears, etc. with their pets,” says the founder of Mascoteros Solidarios. 

They avoid boredom. A pet is always available to play, so adults and children have the ideal friend to have a good time and keep boredom away. 

They help understand grief. Our rabbits also teach us what unconditional love, fidelity is and how to bravely face separation. Furthermore, “for the youngest members of the household, overcoming the death of their partner can be a great learning lesson for the future,” says Carlos Rodríguez. 

They fight the empty nest. The rabbit “brings a new illusion, someone new to worry about day by day, and to see grow. Ultimately, it allows them to continue feeling like a family and fight empty nest syndrome,” says Isabel Buil, director of the Affinity Foundation.

This doesn’t work for only Rabbits, but your mental health can increase from other animals as well! Such as cats or dogs. Even hamsters!

Akashwani rabbit 2 Rabbit on the floor by Chu86happychu

Rabbits to Buy
We already know very well the benefits of having a pet at home(Scroll up!). But we can’t always take care of one of the children’s favorites, dogs. A cat can be an alternative although there are other pets that adapt very well to home life and will become the perfect companion for young and old. 

This is the case of rabbits, small furry easily trained, requiring little care, but enough for our children to take on the responsibility of caring for a pet : food (which usually consists of hay, protein feed, vegetables and some fruit) , exercise (preferably, outside the cage in a controlled environment), brushing, cleaning them – but not bathing them – if they get dirty and pamper themselves. 

There are many breeds of rabbits. The ‘dwarfs‘ are usually preferred, since they do not exceed 3 kg in weight and, in addition, they have been designed to adapt to family life. 

Angora rabbit 

White Satin Angora Rabbit Angora rabbit by Lanafactum

This breed of rabbit is perfect for living at home. But it is important to know that you cannot live in any condition. It does not withstand high temperatures, higher than 30 ºC nor lower than 10ºC. You have to brush it daily and let it exercise. 

Californian rabbit

Króliki kalifornijskie californian rabbits A Californian rabbit colony by Flyz1

It is a perfect dwarf rabbit breed to be at home and live with children. The specimens are affectionate and calm, so they will adapt perfectly to the home. 

Dutch rabbit 

Dutch rabbit 2 Dutch rabbit by Heny

It is an ideal breed of rabbit as a pet for its sweet character and its docility. The care required is basic: a diet based on vegetables (fresh or dry hay) and also, vegetables. As for exercise, it is important that you get out of the cage so that you can have your dose of activity. 

Dutch belier or holland lop

2-month old Holland lops A holland lop rabbit by Claire madridspain at English Wikipedia

It is an adorable breed, very loved by the smallest of the house, and very easy to care for. They are very curious and love to interact, so it is important that they spend time outside the cage in the company of other household members. 

Jersey Wooly

Jersey Wooly Jersey Wooly by Unknown

This little one is one of the most appreciated dwarf rabbit breeds. They are very docile animals and therefore excellent pets. Their hair is not as difficult to care for as Angora’s but it does need brushing. They do not require large spaces although they need to get out of the cage to exercise. 

Lion’s Head

Brown & White Lion Head Rabbit Brown & White Lion Head Rabbit by Mmm Daffodils

This adorable ‘lion head’ is one of the most curious breeds of rabbit in terms of its physique due to its peculiar mane of the head. Also, as for their temperament, they are ideal to live at home, since they’re very affectionate with those who take care of them. They need to brush their hair to avoid knots and their diet is typical of rabbits: hay, vegetables, and some fruit as a reward. 

Mini Lop 

Daisy Mini lop Mini lop rabbit roaming in the yard by Loki db4

It is a very popular breed of rabbit among lovers of these pets. Although they’re not a very active pet, they do need to exercise and will be happy if they have room to get their paws in shape outside the cage. It is perfect for houses with children, but you have to teach them how to handle them, since, like other breeds, they are delicate animals that do not have to be ‘hooved’ excessively. 

European Rabbit

Oryctolagus cuniculus Tasmania 2 European Rabbit on the grass JJ Harrison

Its natural habitat is the outdoors (forests, meadows, parks …). However, you can also have it as a pet. Be sure to provide all the care in terms of food, exercise, and pampering. Rabbits are very sociable, gregarious, and loving animals, so they need attention.


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