Home Rabbits Dwarf Rabbit Facts(with Pictures)

Dwarf Rabbit Facts(with Pictures)

Dwarf Rabbit

The dwarf rabbit is as its name suggests … super small! The weight of adult dwarf rabbits may vary by breed. It can range from 800g-1kg for a Netherland dwarf specimen to 2,380kg for a dwarf lop. Their appearance is really adorable thanks to their short and rounded ears, their flat nose, and their reduced body. In addition, they have very, very soft hair that continually invites caresses.

Note: When we want to take them to caress them or take them out of the cage, we will have to do it with great care since their bones can easily fracture.

The dwarfism of these animals is due to a malfunction of the pituitary, responsible for generating growth hormone. By producing insufficient amounts of this hormone, the animal is born healthy but dwarf.

This lagomorph is not a rodent if you’re wondering. It has a somewhat independent character and so that it is not too isolated it is convenient to get used to it. Take a few minutes of your day to play with them and give them a prize. Search pet stores for dwarf rabbit toys to keep them entertained while you’re not home. These toys should be specific to them since they tend to bite everything and could suffer from an accident.

Although the nature of the rabbit is being fearful, because it is prey, the truth is that those who are pets do not have to be. If we take it to a house with other pets such as cats and dogs, we must ask an expert for advice to do it well. The same happens if the rabbit already lives with us and the new one is another animal.

The dwarf rabbit cage should be in a quiet place. This makes the pet not startled. Just as a noisy environment is detrimental to them, one that has drafts or leaks in the sun will do them no good. Be careful with the cage, do not get too small because this animal is active. More than its older siblings, common rabbits. It will also need space to move in addition to being taken out of it daily so that it jumps free. If you have access to a garden, it would be perfect.

Lapin nain;;; Dwarf Rabbit inside of a basket by Lilapastel

A Dwarf Rabbit is NOT a toy.

Dwarf rabbits are not the same as toy rabbits. Basically because the latter do not exist but are an invention for selling more animals. There are occasions where normal size rabbits are weaned prematurely to make them appear smaller.

Why are they dwarfs?

According to ASNAC (National Association of Family Rabbit Farming), dwarfism is not only due to the small size, but to this type of rabbits the pituitary does not work well. Therefore producing an insufficient amount of growth hormone. Which causes the formation of viable specimens but with characteristics of dwarfism.

They have good character.

Dwarf rabbits are usually affectionate, docile, and friendly in character. They need a good environment at home to avoid developing unwanted behaviors such as fear or aggressiveness. They are nervous.

Cat Litter or Dry Straw is NOT recommended.

It depends on the characteristics of the animal (the type of hair, size, if it is very old if it has bone problems …) the base of the cage will be of one material or another. Dry straw is not recommended as it rots and does not absorb urine. Cat litter should also not be used. Coarse cut sawdust, coconut fiber, wood, and paper pellets are recommended … The ideal is to test the options available on the market until you find the most suitable for the furry one.

Dwarf Rabbit Breeds/Races

There’s a variety of dwarf rabbit breeds! Some breeds of dwarf rabbits are Netherland dwarf, mini lop, dwarf angora, teddy dwerg(teddywidder), teddy lop, mini rex, polish, dwarf lop, belier nain rex, mini cashmere lop.

Netherland dwarf rabbit chibi Netherland Dwarf Rabbit nearby a window by Rhinokitty at English Wikipedia

They are very clean

Dwarf rabbits are very clean animals. If you notice that the animal is dirty or its hair is bald, dandruff, or is not thick or shiny, it is possible that it is sick. Take them to a vet.

Exotic Vet

Take your pet to a veterinarian specialized in this type of animal, that is, one of the exotic animals.

Temperature Sensitive

Be careful where you leave your cage, avoid the direct sun and drafts. Dwarf rabbits are very sensitive to both high and low temperatures.

They can learn

Dwarf rabbits are able to learn to relieve themselves in a particular location in the cage. To do this, allocate a small drawer inside the cage. Soak up a piece of paper with your urine and put it where you want it to pee, it will learn.

Dwarf rabbits are more active

Dwarf rabbits are more active than normal-sized rabbits so they will need a cage of a minimum of 4 square meters to be comfortable. Choose it simply, without much recess, and with a bottom without bars. Otherwise, it could hurt its delicate legs.

4-Week-Old Netherlands Dwarf Rabbit Netherland Dwarf Rabbit on the grass by Aaron Van Dyken

They do not develop until 3 months

Dwarf rabbits do not develop sexually until they are three months old.

Delicate digestive system

Dwarf rabbits have a delicate digestive system and tend to be obese. Take maximum care of your diet. 80% of it must be composed of hay and the other 20% of the special feed for rabbits, vegetables, and fruits allowed.

They are very territorial

Dwarf rabbits are very territorial animals. Hence they will not be happy to accept other rabbits that you can take home.

They’re better when they’re with opposite genders

If your intention is to get two dwarf rabbits, the ideal is that they are of different sexes. You’re not going to take care of the litter? Sterilize. If you put two males together, they will fight all the time and if you choose two females, one will want to dominate the other and they will end the fight.

You have to get them out of the cage.

Dwarf rabbits should get out of their cage a little bit every day. No matter how spacious it is. Otherwise, they could be stressed or even self-injure with the bars of the cage. Is your pet gonna leave their cage? Make sure it is watched by someone(It’s a must). And without the presence of other animals such as cats or dogs.

Netherlandwarf Dwarf Rabbit on a wooden floor by shogun1192

For more information about rabbit tips, read our article here.


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