Home Cats Cat Tail Wagging: What it means when your cat wags its tail

Cat Tail Wagging: What it means when your cat wags its tail


Surely if you have a pet on many occasions, you’d like it to be able to speak to you. And also to tell you what is on their mind. Although the truth is that they do not need it. Animals speak to us in many ways. Such as the sounds they make, the different movements of their bodies, their behavior, etc. This includes their cat tail wagging.

Today we are going to focus on how cats communicate. And, also, they have very good communication skills. You just have to know how to read them. A very effective way to identify the different moods of your cat is by interpreting the positions and movements of its tail.

What does the position and movement of the cat tail mean?

Cats, depending on their mood, perform movements with their tail or hold it in a certain position. Momentarily, we are going to analyze these movements and positions to try to understand our pets in the best way.

Cat Tail Positions

  • Low tail: If your cat has a low tail it is because it is sad, the sadder it is, the lower its tail will be.
  • Tail up: That your cat has its tail up means that it is happy. Swinging it is a way to greet someone warmly.
  • Stiff tail: If your cat walks like this, something has caught their attention, they’re expectant.
  • Stiff tail to one side: Indicates curiosity, your cat is exploring and trying to discover something.
  • Stiff tail wagging sideways: Your cat is showing you discontent or anger about something.
  • Rigid and bristly tail: If you find your cat with its tail in this position, it is showing you its anger and it is a way of intimidating. If it keeps its tail bristling but bows it, it is ready to attack.
  • Tail bristles down: It is a sign of fear or submission.
  • Sitting with the tail wrapped around the body: This posture is a sign that the cat is comfortable and feels calm.
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Tail movements

  • Quick movements: If your cat wags its tail quickly it is a sign of aggressiveness, it’s preparing for a jump or an attack.
  • Slow and smooth movements: when your cat performs these movements it is because they’re calm or they may be focused on something that is attracting his attention.
  •  Fan-shaped movements from one side to the other: Unlike dogs, when a cat performs this movement it is not because it is happy but quite the opposite. With this movement, the cat is showing us its anger.
  • Fast movements of the tip of the tail: This movement can mean several things: anger or attentive to the hunt. Usually, when the movement is fast it means excitement or anxiety.

In addition to the tail, to best interpret your pet you can also help with other stuff. Such as their eyes, ears, purr, meows, and their way of kneading. All these indications will allow you to understand your pet perfectly without the need for them to speak to you.

Recommended Article: Tail Wagging: Why Your Dog Does it.


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