Home Birds Is your Pet Parrot a girl or a boy?

Is your Pet Parrot a girl or a boy?


At first glance it is impossible to tell if a pet parrot is male or female. Why? Simply, because one of their peculiarities is that they have sexual organs inside their body. Hence there are so many doubts about it and so many parrots with misdiagnosed sex.

Here are some tips to help you in this task, whether you have a pet arrot, a parrot, a red-headed parrot, or a lovebird:

Size, shape and color of your Pet Parrot

If the pet parrot is an adult it is easier to recognize the sex; at this stage, male parrots tend to be larger, have longer heads. Their colors are generally more showy than those of females.

Aggression in your Pet Parrot

Female parrots are more aggressive than males; this might be a good indication, but it is not entirely reliable.

Pubic palpation

If your pet parrot is not an adult, you can always resort to pubic palpation. But it is an examination that must be done with great care so as not to harm the animal. First we hold the parrot and turn it upside down. To feel the pelvic bones. If we notice a small separation in the pelvic area, a little more than half a centimeter, we have a female. If, on the contrary, they are together, it is a male.

teenager girl feeding ara parrots
By ulianna19970


Both the male and the female usually reach their sexual maturity between 1-2 years. Therefore, around 2 years of age, which is when the females begin to lay eggs, we will be able to know the sex of the bird. Here, the reliability is total, if it lays eggs, it cannot be male.

Veterinarian expert in exotic animals

No one better than a veterinarian expert in these types of animals will be able to determine the sex of the pet parrot. Through various studies. These may consist of: a more reliable pubic palpation than ours; doing a DNA study with blood samples or a pen. Or even, performing an endoscopy. In the latter case, you can sedate her and, with a minimal incision, perform the test and you can see clearly on the screen whether it is a male or a female.

It was female! Congratulations, if you already know that your pet parrot is a female, you should know that, once fertilized, it will lay between 4-6 eggs. They will be incubated for about 25 days.

It was male! Congratulations also, now you know that it will not lay eggs, and that, just as if it had been a female, you should treat it with affection and respect during the entire time it is with you. From time to time he will whistle or sing a tune to you as a thank you.

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