Home Cats Pet Cat: Why do cats dislike or hate water?

Pet Cat: Why do cats dislike or hate water?


The Origins of Pet Cats

To understand why the vast majority of cats do not like to get wet, we must go back to their origins.
The ancestors of cats lived in deserts, so they were not very familiar with water. For many years, humans began to domesticate them as pet cats, thus protecting them from adverse elements, including water. For this reason, cats have not been evolving relating to water.

Cats have a delicate respiratory system

One of the reasons why cats hate water is because they have a very delicate respiratory system and to protect themselves from possible respiratory diseases or the flu. They flee from the water, which also shows that they are very intelligent animals.

This fear not only affects the small pet cats that we have at home, but we can also find it in other felines such as lions or tigers, who avoid hunting in areas near rivers or lakes so as not to be in danger if there is a crocodile nearby.

Whether a pet cat enjoys more or less water will depend on where it lives and how many prey it can find.

We can gradually accustom the cat to water by giving it baths since they are kittens. In this way, they will not be afraid. However, the vast majority of veterinarians do not recommend it. Because doing it frequently and continuously can make their skin dry. And, also, eliminate pheromones they use to interact with other cats.

A man washing his hands under a stream of water with his adorable pet cat climbed onto his back in the bathroom
By koldunova

Their Tongue and Saliva

We also have to bear in mind that cats are very clean animals that use their saliva to clean themselves. Since it contains substances that act as a natural cleanser, which, added to the fact that their tongue is rough. This makes the pet cat have everything they need to stay clean.

A tip for Pet Cats To Bathe (Without Issues)

A tip for pet cats to allow themselves to bathe without problem is for them to get used to the water since they are kittens, it will be easier for them to lose their fear between 2-3 months of age, which is when they begin to socialize and understand things.

There are cats that do like water and have no problem taking a bath. However, as we always say, we cannot force or force them if they do not like it since as we have seen before. It is a fear that goes back to its origins.


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