Home Exotic Pets Reptiles Pet Gecko: What to do if your gecko loses their tail

Pet Gecko: What to do if your gecko loses their tail


My gecko lost its tail! What should I do?” Well, a pet gecko would usually deal with tail loss just fine. However, there are a few things you can do to ensure that the entire tail loss and regeneration process runs smoothly:

Using paper towels instead of bedding after our pet gecko loses its tail. Loose bedding can enter the body from where the tail is attached and lead to infection. Changing the substrate to paper towels until the glue grows back can help keep the glue area clean. Change paper towels often. If you do so, it will maintain cleanliness.

Isolate a tailless gecko from other geckos. Otherwise, they can intimidate a pet gecko that has lost its tail. Even if it always lives with them.

Watch the tail stump for signs of infection. Also, go ahead and see your exotic vet if there is any swelling, redness, or discharge at the site of the tail loss.

Evaluate its temperature and humidity to ensure that the enclosure where our reptile lives is ideal. Tail loss and new growth are stressful for your gecko. And also, you need to ensure that conditions are ideal. An unsuitable environment can be a source of stress that could contribute to the tail loss of your pet gecko.

Male hand holding a common pet gecko at home
By zoranlino

Make sure your pet gecko is eating well. After the loss of the tail, you can increase the amount of food that you normally feed them. The loss of the tail is stressful and your gecko will deplete its fat storage. However, make sure that crickets (or other prey) that are not consumed within 15 minutes are removed from the terrarium. Otherwise, they may try to nibble on our gecko’s tail. In short, with a good diet, cleanliness and patience, our little reptile will show off its tail again.


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