Home Pets Exotic Pets Pet Hedgehog: Tips for Owning/Choosing them

Pet Hedgehog: Tips for Owning/Choosing them


If you’re adopting an exotic pet, specifically a hedgehog, you’ve come to the right place to have your main question answered: What should I think about when it comes to choosing my pet hedgehog?

  • Legality: Before having a hedgehog we must make sure that having these animals as a pet is legal in the place where we reside. Hedgehogs can be considered exotic pets, therefore in some places, it may be illegal to keep them.
  • Breeders: The best option is to buy or adopt a hedgehog from licensed breeders. The pet hedgehogs of breeders who are responsible and are animal lovers tend to be more sociable. And our pet is more likely to be healthy.
  • Disease-free: Make sure the hedgehogs are of quality species and pedigree if possible. And also, that their parents are healthy.
  • Health guarantee: Ask the breeder if they offer any type of health guarantee, if they offer you any, it is a sign that they’re a good breeder.

How do I check that the pet hedgehog is healthy?

hedgehog on the table
By barddim
  • Light eyes: We must note that the hedgehog is alert and its eyes are not dry, sunken, or swollen.
  • Clean hair and spines: If we observe feces around the anus, it could indicate the possibility that the pet hedgehog suffers from diarrhea. Or other health problems.
  • Healthy skin: If the hedgehog has dry skin around the spines, it could be a sign of dry skin or mites. If it is due to mites, you should treat the hedgehog to eliminate them, For this, consult the breeder or the veterinarian. As if we observe that it has fleas.
  • Wounds: If the hedgehog has any scab or wound, we must ask the breeder why it is and make sure that the animal recovers well.
  • Lucidity: Hedgehogs should be alert and aware of their surroundings. Not lethargic or without energy.
  • Droppings: Make sure there are no green droppings or diarrhea in the cage.
  • Weight: We must choose a pet hedgehog with an adequate weight. An obese hedgehog cannot curl up, while a very thin one has a concave belly with sunken sides. Both could have health problems.
  • Healthy legs: We have to observe that the nails are short so that they do not roll under the leg. If they are too long, the breeder must teach us to cut them.

How should I treat the pet hedgehog the first days at home?

Before acquiring a hedgehog as a pet, we must make sure we have everything we need ready.

We have to be patient and let them get used to us, to the new smells, and to their new home. For at least a month.

Boy and hedgehog looking at each other
By zaikina

Every day take the pet hedgehog for a while it gets used to you. Talk to them and build confidence, give them prizes or treats. Another idea is to put a t-shirt that we no longer use in its cage after using it for a day so that it can get used to our smell.

What is the anointing?

Anointing is a behavior of hedgehogs due to excessive salivation when they see new food or aromas or even salt.

The hedgehog will turn in an “S” shape, turning its head back and spitting saliva on its spines. The exact reason why they do it is not known, but one of the strongest theories is that the spines could be better weapons if they are bathed in an irritating substance.

For this reason, the first few times you catch the hedgehog you may notice a little irritation. Don’t forget to wash your hands after being with animals! Especially with your pet hedgehog!


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