Home Exotic Pets Reptiles Pet Turtle: Advantages of Having Them

Pet Turtle: Advantages of Having Them


When it comes to having reptiles as pets, a pet turtle can be considered as one of those options. However, when it comes to adopting turtles, we should consider their advantages and disadvantages of having them. Or, their pros and cons.

Longevity of Pet Turtles

Perhaps the main advantage, something in which they undoubtedly surpass other affectionate animals, is their longevity. There are documented cases of tortoises (especially the giants of the Galapagos Islands) that have lived for more than 170 years. Although your little pet turtle will probably not live that long, it will far exceed the average lifespan of any other traditional pet. Possibly more than 20 or 30 years, and can even reach 60 if it remains in good health, so you will have more time enough to relate to them, pamper them and pamper them. Pet turtles are pets for life.

Easy to care for

Someone feeding a pet turtle with Raspberries and Blackberries
By Chalabala

Pet turtles are relatively easy to care for. If you have a patio with grass, you can let them live there. If you live in an apartment with less space, you can still let them roam freely. You just have to take into account that it does not have obstacles where it can get trapped. Also, and in both cases, ensure that your ornamental plants are not poisonous: turtles are usually omnivorous and do not waste almost anything they can eat. Oh, and they don’t lack water to drink: they need it, despite its rocky appearance.

Pet turtles have slow metabolism

As reptiles they have a slow metabolism, that is, it is common for them to go up to three days without eating. So if you have to be away for a few days, no problem. Just make sure they have fed and drunk enough water.


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