Home Pets Exotic Pets Pet Skunk: Tips for Having One as a Pet

Pet Skunk: Tips for Having One as a Pet


In case of Liquid Spraying

A skunk is an exotic animal that we rarely dare to have at home. If the pet skunk sprays its liquid you can spend up to 2 weeks smelling really bad. As for clothes and shoes that have reached their liquid, forget about them and throw them in the trash since so far I have not heard of anyone who has managed to remove the stinky smell.

Consult your Vet for your Pet Skunk

If you want one with you, then consult with the veterinary experts to calculate the date according to the life span of the animal. And thus, subject it to a surgical intervention where the gland that produces the bad smell in the urine it gives off will be removed.

And it is that if it is going to be your pet skunk, it does not need it to defend itself from other predators. It will be in your care and you will enjoy this affectionate, faithful, and playful animal.

Their Genera and Diet

A skunk in snowy nature
By Yasmin

There are several genera within the species. Which are Mephitis, Spilogale, Conepatus, and Mydaus. Within these genres, there are also variants that basically differ in the shape of their colors and some almost imperceptible morphological ones.

In relation to the feeding of pets of this type, you should know that they are omnivores. Pet skunks naturally feed on honey, eggs, insects, fruits, as well as small mammals. Check out pet stores for balanced food if you want, but keep in mind that if you feed them to dogs, they can quickly become obese.

They like games, are curious and hyperactive, and in nature spend some time of lethargy in burrows during the coldest days. So if that moment comes and you notice that your pet skunk sleeps a lot, don’t be alarmed. Although if you can, consult your vet to rule out any other issue that may be related to health.


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