Home Cats Pet Dog and Cat: Safety Tips for Thanksgiving

Pet Dog and Cat: Safety Tips for Thanksgiving


Try not to give them human food or leftovers 

Yes, I know, your best canine friend loves to eat leftover meat and you can’t deny those buying eyes when they look at you with such tenderness. However, since you want the best for them, you will have to refrain from giving them certain treats this Thanksgiving. Imagine that if greasy holiday food is difficult for you to digest, how difficult it will be for your pet dog. Additionally, many of the foods on the typical Thanksgiving menu have ingredients that are toxic to pets. Such as dried fruits, nuts, chocolate, onions, mushrooms, and alcohol.  

Don’t give your pet dog turkey bones

Both cooked and raw bones can cause a number of difficult health issues for your pets. Once your friend ingests these bones, the fragments and splinters can break off and get caught in your pet’s throat or esophagus. This can cause them to choke. Therefore, try to avoid giving your pets turkey bones.

Be careful with other visiting pets

As your house is pet friendly, many of your guests will want to bring their little friends. However, try to ensure that those they bring are, first of all, pets that your pet dog or cat already knows. Or try to keep the dogs and cats in different places. As with male dogs and female dogs because the homeowner will want to protect their land and even more so if there is food involved. So that nothing interrupts the Thanksgiving Dinner, make sure that each pet has its place. Now, enjoy yourself! 

Make sure your pets have the updated plate

Golden Retriever wearing wreath of yellow maple tree leaves
By iagodina

The bell rings, the guests arrive, you open the door and your pet dog or cat runs away. Didn’t they have the collar on? Well, you’ll spend your entire Thanksgiving dinner looking around the neighborhood for it. To prevent this from happening, you can put protection around the doors. Put the collar on your pet with an ID tag on it. So the neighbor who finds it can let you know. 

Prepare your guests and your pet dog or cat

Thanksgiving dinner is the same as having a lot of people at home, right? And of those people you know, how many know your pet dog or cat? That is why you must establish certain rules so that neither the guests nor your pet have a bad evening. Especially if your friend is not used to seeing so many people in their home, so much commotion and noise. Talk to the guests about how they have to act with your pet and do not leave them alone with a group of children. 


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