Home Insects Ants Ant Deaths: The Reasons for Ants Dying

Ant Deaths: The Reasons for Ants Dying


Having an anthill at home and observing the incessant activity of ants is an incredible experience. But, as we observe them, it’s normal to want to know the reasons for ant deaths.

Lack of moisture in the soil

It is difficult to generalize the humidity levels of the different species of ants, so I will focus on the two most common: Lasius niger and Messor barbarus. Both live in Mediterranean areas and are widely distributed. The soil in the ground, where they dig their home, always contains water although its amount depends on the time of year. They can regulate the temperature of the colony, as well as the humidity, occupying the different chambers that make up the anthill.

If you have an anthill that has a mushroom , a foraging chamber and does not allow you to have land, you should not neglect the water container . You should also keep an eye on the state of said mushroom because if it is too deteriorated, it may not absorb the water correctly.

If your anthill is one of those that carry soil , make sure that it does not cake into a hard lump that prevents the life of the ants.

Ants picking a wild strawberry By Antrey

To give you an idea, you can lightly spray the land area to mine once a week without the water droplets descending into the egg-laying chamber but wetting the surrounding soil. Likewise, you could lightly wet the area outside the anthill when the ants are inside.

You must be careful with humidity, avoid wetting food because water and heat are synonymous with mold/mites, both very harmful to your little ants. If you’re not careful, ant deaths could occur,

Direct sunlight

The incidence of the sun changes as the months of the year go by. If you have located your anthill in a place where the direct sun does not shine on it now, ask yourself if it will be like that all year round. The direct sun is lethal for the eggs.

On the contrary, workers are more resistant. But the temperature through the methacrylate, thanks to the incidence of the hot sun rays, increases rapidly and scorches the ants in a short time.

So now you know, it is essential that you choose the situation of your anthill well .

Upset them too much

It’s difficult to define domestication as the act of getting ants used to you. What we can talk about is a certain tolerance of the colony towards humans over time. After all, we are the source that provides them with food.

The downside is that we can become, unintentionally, another of the fundamental causes for which ant deaths happen(when bothering them more than necessary).

Carpenter Ant By Mainely Photos

You and I agree that the anthill is to be enjoyed and observed, but these arthropods have a very difficult time perceiving how their colony rises and travels from here to there .

To observe the different faces of your anthill, you can use small standing mirrors, so you will not have to move it. You should also place red plastic on the faces where you see the ants, this reassures them a lot. I always have it tied with a rubber band, so it doesn’t fall off.

Inadequate diet

Giving a lion vegetables to eat doesn’t make any sense. The same thing happens with these curious hymenopterans. There are carnivorous species that will hardly collect grain or bread crumbs . You must inform yourself in advance of the tastes of the species you want to breed.

For example, I recommend Messor barbarus, a seed collecting ant. It will be easy for you to feed it and you will not have to sacrifice any insects.

You should also exercise extreme caution when pouring in sugary liquids. If you go overboard with the amount, the legs can stick. To avoid this, there are methacrylate structures with small wells that allow them to drink without staining or getting stuck.

Leafcutter Ants By Eugenio

Presence of mites

Mites are the enemy to fight when multitudes of insects breed. For example, in my Drosophila melanogaster cultures, when they appear, they wreak real havoc. The same thing happens with anthills. Another silent cause for which ants deaths happen is in the presence of mites. There are even those that feed on the hemolymph of your little ones.

The best way to prevent them is to have the terrarium on a well-cleaned shelf, avoid the accumulation of food, seal the anthill well, and not introduce contaminated insects from outside.

Not respecting the seasons

Ants are cold-blooded beings and therefore winter dormant. You don’t need to supply them with additional heat to keep them active. In winter you can leave them in a room without heating and there they sleep until the hours of sunshine and the temperature increase.

It is important that despite being inactive, do not neglect the humidity. During winter, you won’t have to spray once a week as there will be much less evaporation. An excess of zeal in their care is another reason why ant deaths occur, they are not human and their biology is different from ours.


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