Home Pets Benefits of Owning a Pet

Benefits of Owning a Pet


There are multiple benefits to owning a pet. Even psychologists recommend them for the sake of people’s well-being. What’s the harm in that?

Relieve loneliness and depression.

Owning a pet in the home can help avoid states such as depression due to feelings of loneliness. Their company encourages physical contact and communication. In addition, the person feels more secure, protected, and with the certainty that they will always have someone close by.

They improve social life.

Our pet can be the link that allows us to meet new friends and enlarge our social circle. Going outside is often the perfect excuse to meet someone at the park and start a conversation, for example about taking care of pets.

Owning a pet would reduce disease.

A study by the American Heart Association has shown that dog owners have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Since the simple act of petting a dog or watching fish in an aquarium has a relaxing effect that reduces the heart rate. In addition, living with animals from an early age helps to strengthen the immune system. Thereby reducing the risk of developing allergies and respiratory diseases, among others.

Owning a pet raises happiness and self-esteem.

Different surveys have determined that people who have a cat or dog in their home feel less sadness because, when playing with the pet, the production of serotonin and dopamine is stimulated, which makes us feel happier. An animal will never judge you by your appearance or socioeconomic status, it will simply accept you as you are, thus improving your self-esteem and confidence in yourself.

Joyful woman holding her dog By kegfire

They stimulate children.

In addition to being a playmate for the little ones in the house, growing up with a pet is an opportunity to teach them to be more responsible, as long as they are involved in caring for the animal. Children tend to have a very close connection with their pets, who end up becoming their greatest friend and protector.

If you’re thinking about owning a pet, maybe a cat or a dog… Then read this article!


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