Home Dogs Older Dogs: Why you should adopt them

Older Dogs: Why you should adopt them


When it comes to adopting dogs, the most natural thing you would do is to adopt a puppy or a newborn. Or multiple. However, not only puppies should be adopted, but older dogs as well. Here’s why.

Older dogs are quiet

Older dogs generally play, bark, and run less, preferring to remain calm. If you are a lover of tranquility they will be an excellent company.

They don’t break things

They are less curious about things and do not see everything as a potential toy. In fact, you will be lucky if you manage to engage in a game with them. This is why it is very difficult for them to break something.

Good company for older adults

Many times older adults spend long hours alone and begin to think of a pet to accompany them. However, puppies can be an overwhelming responsibility for them and older dogs are often better suited to accompany them.

Older dogs tend to eat less

As they use less energy, they need to consume less. If they are neutered or sterilized, the portion is even smaller so they are quite cheap so to speak.

portrait of elder American Eskimo dog
By Peter

They are no longer exposed to some diseases

It is true that older dogs are no longer as strong as younger ones. However, there are several diseases that are lethal to puppies and younger dogs such as parvovirus which are very difficult to cure. A dog that has survived to an older age is likely to have developed multiple defenses and is less exposed to these types of diseases. If you take good care of it, you probably won’t have to go to the vet too much.

Older dogs adapt to any space

Few places are inhospitable for an older dog, especially if they have lived most of their life on the streets. Just put a cushion or something comfortable to lie on and they will be very happy.

They quickly understand what their space is and what their limits are

Since older dogs do not require too much space, they quickly know their rightful place in the house. They understand where they can be and where they cannot be. You will see that it is very easy to get used to following the house rules.

They don’t fight with other dogs

For these dogs, the time of gang members and seeking lawsuits is over. They are usually friendly with other dogs and if not, they will only try to scare them away without going into direct combat.

Older dogs tend to run away less

Elder dogs no longer have the same energy and disposition to go looking for food everywhere. It is easier for them to be near the place where they know they will feed them and give them love.

Senior Chocolate Labrador Retriever dog lying down on the dock in mountain lake
By everydoghasastory

They are the ones who find it most difficult to find a home

By adopting an older dog you are making an incredibly empathetic and caring gesture as you are giving a home to the often rejected. Puppies for their cuteness quickly find a home and many times, unfortunately, people discard them once they have grown. Few big-hearted people decide to give a family an old dog.

As you can see, senior dogs also have great advantages. If you have little time to raise a puppy then they are an option that you should definitely consider. You will save yourself a lot of problems since growing dogs are a great responsibility that not everyone is ready to face.


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