Home Pets Exotic Pets Pet Iguana: Tips to take care of them

Pet Iguana: Tips to take care of them


Supplement their food with calcium daily.

Iguanas need the addition of calcium in their daily diet for their correct growth and optimal bone development. A calcified pet iguana is a healthy and strong iguana. Just sprinkle on the salad daily and have them eat a little calcium. Calcium can be offered in powder or liquid, depending on how it is more comfortable to give it. The liquid has the advantage that it can be added directly to drinking water.

Change the UVA/UVB light source every 6 months or at least once a year.

Both compact and traditional fluorescents have a limit on hours of UVA and UVB production. After 6 months, although the fluorescent is not fused, the percentage of UVA and UVB radiation that it produces gradually decreases, reducing the light quality it emits. That is the reason why it is recommended to change it every 6 months. Or a year as a maximum limit. UVB radiation is what allows the assimilation of calcium from the diet. Therefore the correct ossification of the bones.

Increase humidity for your pet iguana during the molting season.

Iguanas, like all reptiles, in order to grow, they need to shed and shed their old skin and replace it with new. For the correct shedding and shedding of the old skin, the humidity factor is very important. So it is very convenient to spray your pet iguana with warm water the days prior to shedding. In this way, the skin is hydrated. It becomes more flexible, facilitating its detachment.

A Veterinary check-up for your pet iguana once a year.

Veterinary check-ups are important to check the health of your pet iguana and know that it is in perfect condition and growing optimally. An internal and external deworming of your pet once a year is important. Since through the new decorative objects that we add to its terrarium or even from food, parasites can reach both its digestive system and its skin. In the same way, thanks to the review, the veterinarian can detect any possible health problem that has been overlooked.

Change the substrate every 2-3 months at least.

Hygiene is very important not only because of odors but also because good hygiene is a companion to good health for your pet iguana. Most iguana diseases are caused by poor hygiene. A dirty terrarium facilitates the development of pathogenic bacteria that can make your iguana sick in various ways. It is advisable to thoroughly clean and disinfect the terrarium every 6 months or at least once a year.

A beautiful iguana enjoying the sun
By Emile

Catch and take your pet iguana for a walk daily.

It is important to get your iguana to calm down and be calm. To get used to it, it is necessary to spend some time every day taking it out of the terrarium. A wild adult iguana is a dangerous and troublesome animal. While an iguana that is tamed and accustomed to its owner can be like a docile puppy. Controlling a small pet iguana is simple and with time it gets used to the handling. However, a feral adult iguana is impossible to handle.

Vary the diet as much as possible.

“We are what we eat” and the same happens to iguanas. The more varied and rich their diet is, the more health, strength, and even beauty they will have. Therefore, it is convenient to vary the vegetable diet that we are providing, changing the vegetables, vegetables, and fruits that we feed it. This way your pet iguana will not get tired of always eating the same thing. And they’ll receive all the nutrients and vitamins they need. Herb and flower mixtures are very important in their diet and there is a huge assortment on the market.

Never feed them with any animal protein of any kind.

Many times we are tempted to add an insect to the iguana’s diet, to offer it meat and other foods that are not of plant origin. Iguanas are strictly herbivorous animals and the addition of any type of protein of animal origin is harmful to their health. If we want to see our reptile hunt, the iguana is not the right animal. For that, we have others such as Varanos, Clamidosarurios, Aquatic Dragons, geckos, and Pogonias among others.

Do not join 2 males in the same terrarium or specimens of different ages and sizes.

Iguanas are very territorial reptiles. Once sexual maturity is reached, a male will not allow the presence of another in his vicinity. There will be fights and alternates with unpredictable results for both contestants (injuries, amputations, and even death). If we put 2 specimens (even if they are a couple) of different sizes in the same terrarium, they run the risk not only of attacks but also of food competition. So the smallest will stop eating or will eat in small quantities, gradually weakening.

Cut their nails when they are long.

Iguanas are arboreal reptiles and to climb the branches they use their sharp nails that can become like knives producing not only scratches but even deep cuts when we handle them. To prevent possible scratches from your pet iguana, it is advisable to cut its nails with a nail clipper, taking care not to reach any of the blood vessels that run through it. Our hands, arms, and clothes will thank us.

A Fiji Banded Iguana on a branchBy Nataly Reinch


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