Home Dogs Pet Puppy: How to Potty Train Your Puppy

Pet Puppy: How to Potty Train Your Puppy


Educating a pet puppy to relieve themself in one place is often a challenge for owners. You have to remember that your pet’s education depends on you, therefore their bad habits do not depend on them. That is why the importance of remembering these 9 keys to teach your puppy to go to the bathroom in one place.

Start at the ideal age

The best time to start potty training is when they’re 7½ – 8½ weeks old. During this stage, you can teach the puppy to eliminate their stools before they choose their preferred place when urinating. Don’t worry if your pet puppy is older when learning starts. They will still learn, although it may take a little longer.

Take out your pet puppy

Experts recommend taking your pet outdoors. Or to the place of your choice to have their bowel movements 6-8 times a day. Choose an appropriate place for it and take it immediately after the puppy wakes up, after play sessions, and 15-30 minutes after meals.

Don’t distract them with other things

If the puppy is learning to relieve themself, making noise or distracting them will hinder their learning. It is also recommended not to take it home before the goal is met. At first, it will be difficult, but over time it will be a matter of course.

Use a key phrase

While your puppy is doing their bowel movements, if you repeat the same phrase (for example, “pee” or “poop”) every time your puppy goes outside to relieve themself, they will understand that this phrase means that it is the right time and the suitable place to remove.

Cute dog sitting on toilet bowl in modern bathroom
By New Africa

When the puppy finally does their bowel movements outdoors, don’t forget about the reward. Always stimulate the puppy with caresses, giving them a piece of food, or playing with them. It is important that you associate the reward with the time to go to the bathroom.

Supervise your pet puppy both indoors and outdoors

You have to avoid disasters at home. If you pay attention, you will have a chance to catch the puppy if they start to do their bowel movements indoors and move them to the right place. It is necessary for the dog to leave the house at least every 4 hours.

Don’t punish your pet puppy after the fact

If your puppy has an “accident” at home, don’t go looking for them to rub their muzzle on them. Many owners do and it is an aberration. This is of no use because the misconduct has already occurred. Instead, try to surprise the puppy on the spot.

Do not leave access to food throughout the day

Staffordshire terrier puppy and roll of toilet paper
By blackday

Feed your puppy at set times each day. And remove the food bowl after 20 minutes. This will create regular intervals in which the puppy will have to go to the bathroom.

Remember that patience is very important in this process and that it shouldn’t be stressful neither for the human nor for the animal.


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