Home Dogs Tips for taking care of a blind dog

Tips for taking care of a blind dog


Don’t overprotect your blind dog

One of the first reactions of owners when their pet is blind is wanting to protect them from all evil. Without realizing, that in many cases this attitude is negative. Even if the blind dog does not see, it can still live happily and be self-sufficient.

Dogs are unaware of their new ‘state’ and adapt by developing their other senses. At the same time, we do not have to forget that smell and hearing are widely used by them in any situation.

Therefore, they allow them to develop, play , investigate, sleep wherever they want… Because for them, life remains the same, except for one ‘detail’: blindness.

Make small changes at home

Following the previous advice, it is not recommended that you restructure the location of all the furniture. Not moving furniture is something to prevent the animal from tripping over some. Do not forget that the dog has lived a long time in that environment. Additionally, it could be said that it ‘knows by heart’ every chair, table, or bed there is.

Of course, we must pay attention and remove from the environment those objects that may be dangerous to your health. But everything else would have to stay in the same place. Always try to maintain order and cleanliness. And, if you have stairs, you should protect or close them so that your blind dog does not fall.

A blind dog
By lunaundmo

Leave your things in the same place

Dogs need a routine, whether they are blind or not, as this way they are calmer and more obedient. Therefore, you should not move their personal effects: bed, feeder, a bowl for water, toys, etc. This will lead to getting used and more oriented around the house.

Also, it would be good if you play with them as they’re used to: for example, when you return from work or while watering the plants. Remember that the blind dog does not understand what has happened to them. For them, everything remains the same, so do not allow them to get depressed due to lack of affection, attention, or fun.

Take your blind dog to the park

One of the common mistakes among owners of blind dogs is never to take them out of the house, fearing for their safety. However, it is very important that an animal in this condition has contact with others in a park or outdoor space.

In turn, the outings are ideal for you to change the environment, release energy, entertain yourself and, above all, be happy. To avoid any inconvenience, keep them on a leash and pay attention when crossing the street. You will be their guide, and their eyes at all times.

Stimulates their other senses

Having a blind dog is, without a doubt, a challenge and perhaps at certain times, you do not know how to act. So that your pet does not depend so much on you, it would be good if you taught them to use their smell and hearing more. By developing both senses further they will not notice the difference between the present and the past.

Blind dog on the ground
By maewthitiwat

Offer your blind dog objects with your scent, let them lie down on their own blankets, speak loud and clear to them. And before touching them you will have to show them that you are close (so they don’t get scared). Some people wear an accessory that makes noise to alert the animal to their presence.


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