Home Rodents Chinchillas Chinchilla Facts that are Interesting

Chinchilla Facts that are Interesting


Large and expressive eyes, tender gaze, graceful movement of the nose … The chinchilla is a rodent that is beginning to be among the favorites as a pet. It is a very clean animal that is characterized by its great longevity when it is cared for by its species and its basic needs are covered. If you are thinking of adopting one as a pet, it will be very useful to know these Chinchilla facts. 

One of the most Unlikely Chinchilla Facts: Females weigh more.

When it comes to chinchilla facts, male chinchillas are expected to weigh more than females. Wrong. While Domestic chinchillas are the largest, Females tend to weigh approximately 800 grams. Males are smaller and lighter, with between 500-600 grams on average.

They live up to 25 years.

In the wild, chinchillas can live up to 10 years of freedom. If we choose them as pets, you may have them by your side for up to 25 years. In fact, it is considered one of the oldest rodents and this is what makes the species an ideal animal to have at home.

Chinchillas are vegetarian.

Their diet is based on tree species, especially grasses. They are supplied with alfalfa, hay, and feed, among others. They need water to hydrate. In the wild, they take this from the morning dew that falls on the plants. It is important to have a drinker in their cage and keep it in good condition, changing the water periodically so that it is clean.

Chinchilla on a Wooden Shelf By Nadezhda Zaitceva

They are Nocturnal

Its peak of activity is in the early morning. At night they seem to wake up from their daytime lethargy, from the state of tranquility in which they are usually found during the day. They also ‘wake up’ at dusk or just when it is going to dawn, so take that into account when choosing where you are going to place the cage inside the house.

They communicate through small interjections 

When it comes to chinchilla facts, some say that these creatures are “screaming”. And for others, they say that the sound they produce resembles the barking of a puppy. The fact is that chinchillas communicate, varying in intensity and duration the type of phrases they generate.

They’re cleaned with sand

What does this mean? That you should place a bowl with special sand for chinchillas in their house so that they can groom themselves according to their habits and customs. As you might imagine, the sand should also be changed periodically so that it continues to be cleaned with clean sand.

They’re very territorial: Beware of looking for a ‘Roommate’.

Before deciding to put another chinchilla in the same cage, consult a specialist. Chinchillas are very territorial animals and it is not easy for them to coexist peacefully with another of the same species – or another. That said, always keep it in mind and find out before taking the step and expanding your family.

If you enjoyed these Chinchilla Facts… want to know more facts about cute animals? If so, read this article about Dwarf Rabbit Facts!


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