Home Rodents Hamsters Pet Hamster: Can hamsters bathe?

Pet Hamster: Can hamsters bathe?


Can hamsters bathe when they are dirty?

A pet hamster is capable of maintaining good hygiene by themselves. In addition, they do it very well. Usually, you will never have the need to bathe your hamster because it will always be kept clean.

Baths with water are not recommended for these small rodents. They can even be harmful to their health. On one hand, temperature changes can be dangerous and, furthermore, if we don’t dry them well and they stay wet they can get cold and get sick. On the other hand, putting them underwater can cause them to lose the natural oils that act as a protective layer of the skin. But there are other options you can use if your pet hamster is very dirty, and they are dry or sand baths.

How to bathe a pet hamster?

Dry baths

Do you know about dry shampoos? They are also often used on cats and dogs and are an equally great option for rodents. It is a product that does not require the use of water. However, it is applied directly to the animal’s fur and cleans it effectively, also eliminating bad odors.

Not just any dry shampoo will work; you have to choose a specific one for rodents. Apply it to your pet hamster’s body and spread it evenly with the help of a soft brush. Also, brush against the grain so that the shampoo reaches the skin and removes all the dirt.

A hamster in a blue towel
By Tatiana Morozova

Sand baths

The best option for rodents and also the simplest. There is a special type of litter designed for pet hamsters to roll in and remove all dirt from their bodies. Plus, they love doing it! You just have to put it in a tub-type container (it can be a tupper, for example) and place it inside its cage.

For your pet hamster, you can also use the bath sand for chinchillas.

So hamsters can’t bathe in water?

If neither of the two previous options is possible, either because your rodent does not use sand or because you cannot apply the dry shampoo. You can bathe them very carefully, but only as a last option and if it is strictly necessary.

Fill a container with 2 cm of warm water, but not at a burning level. Bathe your pet hamster very gently without wetting his head. Try to make the bath last as short as possible but doing it quietly so that your hamster does not get stressed. Use a special shampoo for rodents. Finally, dry it with a towel and cover it so it does not get cold.

You can also avoid bathing your pet hamster by using a damp cloth to clean it up. Pour warm water with a drop of shampoo into a bowl, wet the cloth, and gently run it over their fur to clean it.


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